A Call For Unity at CPAC 2012; We All Must Find Common Ground
Psst- Hear the Roar and Pay Attention
Gingrich Paid $994K in Taxes in 2010
Latest Media Spin- Newt Gingrich Is ANGRY (Video)
FBI Terrorism Agents Raid Local Home
Holder’s Law Firm Has Questionable Ties to Mortgage Banks, D.C. Government and Obama Administration
NYT’s Lib Maureen Dowd Loses Faith In Obama- “The One Did Not Turn Out To Be a Messiah”…
Anonymous Takes Responsibility for CBS.com Hacking
Oprah’s Creepy Cult-Like Devotion To Obama As Strong As Ever…
Hero- Newt Gingrich calls Obama food stamp President again
Fail- Costa Concordia offers cruise survivors 30 percent discount off future cruises to stop law
Gingrich says primary win a blow to elites
Would SOPA and PIPA Target HuffPo, Breitbart First-
Tweet Of The Day
CNN’s John King Helped Newt Gingrich Win South Carolina
‘A Conversation With A Liberal’
On Newt’s disappeared standing ovation-
Ladies, you can have equality or chivalry. Not both
Quote of the day
Pope Warns America of ‘Grave Threat’ to Religious Freedom
Reflections on Newt’s big South Carolina victory
Newt Gingrich- ‘We Want to Run an American Campaign’ Video
The Sinking of the West
Laura Dekker completes round the world sail - will the Nanny State arrest her-
Daring or Darwin Award- You Decide
4 Pictures
Tony Burman and the Defense of Islam
That sound you hear is the leftist narrative crumbling.... Toronto murders drop after Jamaica-based crackdown
OK. Let me get this straight. A Buddhist Has Discriminated Against A Muslim At A Presbyterian School
Report- Mooch Incensed Over Unflattering New Book…
British Al-Shabaab Operative Killed By U.S. Drone Airstrike In Somalia…
Despite Below Freezing Temps, Thousands Rally for Scott Walker
Time of the Dove! [Sunday, January 22, 2012]
People take different roads in spirituality
Titus 2-11-13
Daily Read – January 22
Galatians 6-6-10
Hope Has Changed
As Of 8-11 PM CST
Chuck Norris to be 'secretary of attack'
Believers gunned down 'while eyes closed in prayer'
Obama postpones anti-Catholic rule
New Team Obama Re-Election Gimmick- Is America a Post-Racial Society-
GUILTY! Verdict for three UK Muslims who handed out leaflets calling for the execution of all homosexuals
Sealed With A Kick
This Week On Ghost Hunters
Young Voters Think ‘The Mainstream Media Is Boring’
False Racism Charges Mean Newt’s the Frontrunner
South Carolina, my Opinion
America hates Newt Gingrich [Reader Post]
Gingrich Derangement Syndrome
Lessons From South Carolina
Saturday Night Losers- Dick Morris & the Media Elites
Study- Anti-Semitism in Middle East Has Become More Violent Since Arab Spring
Latest Media Spin- Newt Gingrich Is ANGRY (Video)
John Belt- Yielding Our Souls to the Desires of the Spirit
Verily Verily
Says legislators will be 'terrified to run' with Gingrich, will 'try to defeat him' [VIDEO]
Elections Matter- Judicial Appointments
Would Romney Release His Tax Returns if He Had Won SC- – Video
Kochs push back against Obama attack
The president’s campaign team thinks up shiny new slogans for Obama’s 2012 re-election
Top 8 Politicians Who Led Double Lives
Thieves, Liars and Cheats
Let’s All Put On Our Mouse Ears!
The Death of a Political Operative – The Troubling Timeline…
Lukáš Kmiť vs the cellphone
Take a Conservative Pundit Home for a Week [Reader Post]