Sunday, January 22, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 21, 2012


  1. Oprah and the Obesity Epidemic

  2. The Flowers of War

  3. How Dumb Do They Think We Are

  4. Herman Cain to deliver TEA Party State of the Union Response

  5. Rick Perry is Fed Up! Who Gets to Decide How We Live!

  6. MD moves against DC to ban rat trafficking!'Protect our borders'

  7. Takedown stokes new fears

  8. WTF Of The Day

  9. Grandma

  10. Time’s (Liberal) World

  11. South Carolina Primary- Poll

  12. Attempted honour killing victim speaks on Quebec TV

  13. Atheists Fear Mohammed

  14. OPP Commissioner- CBC’s portrayal of both Chief Blair and the comments of Mayor Ford were inaccurate and unfair

  15. Independent thought on jihad and Islam at the Daily Kos

  16. Thought Control on Islam

  17. Libyan Islamists Rally To Demands Sharia Law…

  18. Holder’s United Front on Fast and Furious Crumbles

  19. Acts of Kindness  [Saturday, January 21, 2012]

  20. The Great Fish Club

  21. Shocker- Alarmist Now Trying To Force Their Religion On Meteorologists

  22. What Say To A “Reasonable Profits Board”-

  23. FBI Shuts Down File Sharing Site Megaupload – We Need SOPA And PIPA Why-

  24. Daily Read – January 21

  25. Judge whacks Obama in eligibility case

  26. We Need a Ronald Reagan, Not a Mitt Romney

  27. Rick Perry’s Unfortunate Bid

  28. It’s All About Respect

  29. Breaking- Secret Service Investigating Jewish Newspaper Column That Discussed Obama Assassination

  30. Powerline's John Hinderaker Gets Unhinged

  31. Eric Holder & Voting Correctly

  32. The Pope Speaks To Obama's War On Christianity

  33. President Obama's 2012 Slogan- Change Is

  34. Cavuto Tells Ron Paul “You Don’t Get Any Respect” …Then Cuts Him Off & Goes to Break

  35. Friday’s Supreme Court Ruling Will Help GOP in Texas

  36. Did Newt Scare More Than “Journalists” With Debates-

  37. PAYBACK- AZ investigates Obama over gun-running op

  38. Congressman irked by Solyndra bonuses, equipment destruction

  39. Romney Already Hinting At Defeat In South Carolina

  40. Marianne Gingrich Warned She Would Go on the Air and Undermine Newt… In 1995

  41. What The Media Talks About When You’re Not Looking

  42. Obama’s Eligibility- Fact, Fiction or Fog-

  43. Quick Resister Update

  44. Donna Edwards (D-Maryland) To Take Polar Bear Plunge For Climate Change Hoax

  45. Obama’s Growing Jewish Problem

  46. Flash- Newt Wins; Credits Palin for Surge!

  47. What Turned South Carolina for Newt-

  48. Newt Victory Speech – No More Bowing to Saudi King (Video)

  49. FOX News Disses Krauthammer After Newt Wins South Carolina (VIdeo)

  50. At 7-00 PM — FOX News Calls South Carolina – NEWT WINS!

  51. From Apostle Barbara Yoder Today - Established Doctrine emerges From Experience Breakthrough in Revival

  52. Pic of the Day…

  53. Occupy San Fran Goons Throw Bricks, Rocks And Bottles At Police Sending Two Officers To The Hospital

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