Friday, January 13, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 12, 2012


  1. Canada Declares War On Green Radicals

  2. Grassley- 'We can't let [Obama] get away with' recess appointments

  3. Axelrod defends Jeremiah Wright

  4. A non-fan of NASCAR in praise of NASCAR

  5. The power of Canada Free Press readers

  6. Moroun may face jail in bridge dispute today


  8. POLL- Tebow America's favorite pro athlete

  9. Nanny State Alert- California county wants to ban smoking tobacco in apartments, but allow smoking pot

  10. Argentina starts Another Falkland Islands' War

  11. Homeland Security watches Twitter, social media

  12. BREAKING- Palin Urges Romney to Release Tax Returns, Provide Proof of 100,000 Jobs Created at Bain Capital

  13. What-Were-Ya-Thinkin’ Of The Day

  14. Bonehead Of The Day

  15. Even if true, so what-

  16. How much time do we have left now the ruling elite have gone bonkers-

  17. Taking a bite of the Apple

  18. Long finned eels

  19. Knock-Out Game Case Dismissed After Witness Skips Court – 7 Teens Celebrate Outside Of Court (Video)

  20. Baby Left Alone With the Rats at #Occupy DC Criminal Camp – Cops Arrest Father

  21. Republicans to Act After Obama Refuses to Approve Keystone Jobs Project

  22. Claire McCaskill Flees State to Attend Obama Fundraiser (But, No Photos Please)

  23. Lance Wallnau on 2012

  24. Kari Browning- I Hear the Train a Comin'

  25. THE NO-NAME INFIRMITY by David Wilkerson

  26. A Few Words About a Word- Greed

  27. Hannity Asks Palin About “Vulture Capitalism”

  28. Underhanded CTV investigative report in progress

  29. All-American Muslim Stars Busted for Marijuana at Canadian Border

  30. Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD - Statement Of Charges

  31. Why is Tides Foundation USA Trying to Shut Down Canada’s Oil Sands Industry-

  32. Obama Newly Appointed Policy Director Previously Worked For Soros’ Open Society Institute, Has Ties To Acorn,…

  33. McRINO Sides With The Taliban And CAIR, Calls For Investigation And Punishment Of Marines Seen Urinating On Dead Taliban Fighters

  34. Reuters Report On Sites DHS Is Monitoring- Drudge, Social Media, HuffPo, Blogs Reporting On Islam

  35. Flames, Fevers, Furnaces, and Other Fun Stuff

  36. Beck Radio Crew Cautions ‘Overzealous’ Paul Supporters- You Make Him Less Attractive to the Average Person

  37. DNC Chair uses hateful rhetoric in indirectly blaming ‘hateful rhetoric’ for Gifford’s shooting

  38. Dems may move Obama’s #DNC2012 speech to BOA Stadium – to attract wealthy donors

  39. Sing O Daughter of Zion  [Thursday, January 12, 2012]

  40. Should Christians keep the Sabbath-

  41. Sideline Sarah Takes Shots At Mitt

  42. Warren Buffett Goes Weasel On Paying Higher Taxes

  43. Athletes, celebs take a knee

  44. Gitmo Protesters Want Americans To Die

  45. Daily Read – January 12

  46. Are You People DEAF----

  47. Bill O’Reilly Killing Lincoln Scores NatGeo Documentary

  48. C-SPAN Callers Query Romney's Penis Size

  49. Congress needs to fix itself in 2012

  50. Ohio Officer Asks- Are We Going to Violate the Oath We Have Taken and Enforce the NDAA

  51. Socialism, Waste, and Bridges to Nowhere

  52. This Site May be Monitored by Homeland Security

  53. Atheists Attack Tebow to Get Publicity

  54. Dead People Voting in New Hampshire Primary – Why Democrats Don’t Want Photo ID

  55. OH, BOO HOO! Muslims still whining about NYC police surveillance of Muslims


  57. Baby Got Crack

  58. For Those Of You Keeping Score

  59. Take that ayatollah assahola

  60. Is America Too Far Gone?

  61. Anti-gay rhetoric (or social issue focus) doesn’t win GOP primaries

  62. Karger bests Bachmann in New Hampshire

  63. So did I, Laura, so did I

  64. Rand Paul Returns a Half-Million in Unspent Budget to Treasury

  65. Allen West Says Election 2012 Will Be “Bloodbath”

  66. Remember Ann Barnhardt- She Had Some Thoughts On Romney

  67. Philly mayor- Don't 'act like idiots and a—holes'

  68. Brokaw- Republican “Jihad” Underway In South Carolina

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