Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 10, 2012


  1. Tebow calls Brady a prophet

  2. Newt the Plumber

  3. POLL- Romney, Ron Paul Tie Obama

  4. Strange- Bears in NK are crying because the 'Dear Leader' passed away

  5. Obama administration okays DHS collecting information on journalists social media use

  6. Sen. Scott Brown May Be a RINO, But He Is A Well Funded RINO

  7. $45-million Cook County Homeland Security program declared a complete waste of money

  8. Ironic- NAACP chapter barred from Martin Luther King Jr. event

  9. ...Newt SuperPac Film Accuses Romney Of Crony Capitalism

  10. Paul Cites Soros-Funded, Racist CREW To Attack Santorum

  11. What-Were-Ya-Thinkin’ Of The Day

  12. Boneheads Of The Day

  13. BREAKING- Iran Orders Death Sentence of American Citizen and Former Marine

  14. Amir-Mirzaei Hekmati? Or Mark Ballas?

  15. Is it time yet-

  16. Feminazi “journalist” gets her ass kicked. Big time

  17. I am angry white man, hear me roar

  18. Shepherd of lies

  19. Has Blogger (Google) changed our domain name-

  20. Victory!!!

  21. More from the cultural desert of academia

  22. But, but it is his own private business surely

  23. Google have stuffed up NZ Blogger domains (Update 2)

  24. Marriage Rates falling in the USA

  25. Happy new year

  26. The Socialist Elite

  27. Michelle Obama’s Resentment of “White Irish Catholics” Similar to Barack’s Hateful Comments On “White Folks” Greed

  28. Obama TSA Defends Confiscating Woman’s Frosted Cupcake

  29. Newt Gingrich-  burning bridges as he melts down

  30. NYC councilman demands that Manhattan DA drop gun charges against Marine

  31. DOJ inspector general refuses to investigate Occupy public safety threats

  32. Romney: I like being able to fire people who provide subpar services; Update: Huntsman, Perry pile on

  33. John McCain Not So Popular in Parts of New Hampshire Anymore

  34. Todd Palin Goes On The Record With Greta

  35. Yawn...another death threat

  36. Kuwaiti man shaves sister’s head for receiving ‘flirtatious texts’

  37. Saudi Selling Son On Facebook

  38. Canada's Anti-Pipeline Eco-Quislings In Pay Of Yankee Imperialist Running Dogs!

  39. Jewish Defense League to confront anti Israel Mayor Stephane Gendron

  40. A New Wrinkle In Interfaith Dialogue- I want to talk about taking out a few Cops

  41. Union “Dues for Dems” Facing Supreme Court Challenge

  42. Carney Bashes Bush- “Quickly Squandered Budget Surplus” Left By New Chief Of Staff Jack Lew Under Clinton Administration

  43. Alabama- Muslim Man Shoots Out Store Windows To Lure Police Officers To Scene, Engages Them In Running Gun Battle To “Draw Attention To Islam”

  44. Allen West- Republicans Must Stop Obama’s “Imperial Presidency”…

  45. Occupy Sets Up Website Dedicated To Documenting Their Most Cherished Achievement- 5,877 Arrests

  46. New Hampshire- “Serious” Fight Breaks Out As Occupiers And Ron Paul Supporters Surround And Attack Santorum Along With Wife And Kids

  47. Lion Wins Intense Staring Contest with 3 Year Old Girl (Video)

  48. Meet Mia Love, Republican Congressional Candidate for Utah’s New 4th District (Video)

  49. Prayer for the Nations  [Tuesday, January 10, 2012]

  50. Democrat “Tools”

  51. Daily Read – January 10

  52. “Great”

  53. DC Occupier Camps Home for Rats

  54. Indonesian Earthquake 7.3 Magnitude West Coast Northern Sumatra- Tsunami Warning 1-10-2012


  56. Congressman- Obamacare waivers 'don't pass the…

  57. Rush Limbaugh predicts 2012 outcome

  58. UPDATED! BARE NAKED ISLAM moving glitch

  59. Department of Homeland Security to spy on American journalists and bloggers

  60. Twinkie The Kid Hardest Hit

  61. Caption Contest Winners

  62. What in the world are they thinking?

  63. Will God give you a good report-

  64. Discover the Benefits of God’s Favor

  65. Gender Confusion-

  66. Good news- Tebowmania now inspiring 80s pop stars to re-record their hits

  67. Did Sarah Palin really say Mitt Romney is our weakest candidate-

  68. A Challenge to Gingrich, Perry, Romney

  69. Behind my Huntsman endorsement(& about my Huntsman concerns)

  70. Bill Daley Ordered Investigation Into Obama Green Energy Loans – Two Months Later He’s Gone…

  71. Transparency- Burton, Depp Not in White House Visitor Log

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