Sunday, January 8, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 7, 2012


  1. Dear Tea Party Patriots- We Are Family

  2. Oops, she did it again

  3. Judge rules for Walker campaign on recall petition signature questions

  4. John McCain's Kiss of Death

  5. Your Right to be Owned

  6. An open letter to New York Mayor Bloomberg and Mayors Against Illegal Guns

  7. Republicans ARE Discouraging Voter Turnout

  8. SHOWDOWN- Sheriff Arpaio announces re-election bid in AZ

  9. Strange- Official Syrian News Source Reports Visit By Space Alien

  10. Pelosi Still Blaming Bush

  11. The Day We All Said ‘Gillooly’

  12. A very American coup-

  13. socialist coalition government of Oz for this-

  14. Redbaiter, on despicable leftist trolls-

  15. ‘The Closing of the American Mind ‘

  16. To Zen Tiger, and On Engaging With Rabid Secular Progressives

  17. General Debate Jan 7th

  18. Bombardirovshchiki

  19. White House mum about guns on Gifford's anniversary

  20. New book- Hostility between Michelle Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gibbs-

  21. What’s More Frightening Than A Teenager Packing Heat-

  22. Report- Gibbs Cursed Out Michelle Obama During White House Meltdown…

  23. Eugene Robinson- Extreme Rick Santorum Shouldn’t Be Let Near White House

  24. “Climate Change Castaways” Have Long Years To Wait

  25. It’s the Constitution, Mr. Obama!

  26. Daily Read – January 7

  27. Killing The “RIGHT” To Work

  28. Lloyd’s Life Lessons- Reporting For Duty Lord

  29. Romney Surrogate Tells Voters- “It’s Not About Picking Someone With Your Own Belief And Principles” (Video)

  30. Islamic Spring… Egyptians Chant “One Nation for a New Holocaust” at Soccer Game (Video)

  31. Why lobbyists have influence (nutshell version)

  32. A nice way to make the president and his wife feel perfectly comfortable

  33. “Every night we prayed for God to rescue us. And now you are here.”

  34. Allen West- “That’s America”

  35. Sighting of Glenn Miller's doomed plane by amateur spotter shatters theory that aircraft was downed by falling WW2 bomb

  36. Move Forward! [Saturday, January 7, 2012]

  37. New Book Details How President Sent White House Advisers to Deal With First Lady

  38. Ooops! McCain Refers to Romney as Obama – Video

  39. The Establishment Way

  40. White House- 'Over-dramatization of old news'

  41. Let The Games Begin

  42. Wall Street Insider: We Are At The Abyss – It is happening NOW

  43. Nigerian Top Christian Leader- We Will Defend Ourselves From Islamic Attacks

  44. Saudi Teen Hacker Steals Thousands of Israeli Credit Cards – Says His Parents Like It…Update: Israel Says They Will Respond In The Same Way They Do To Terror Attacks

  45. Welcome to the First Annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere!

  46. Evidence That Sharia Is No Blessing

  47. Continuity plan

  48. New Consumer Chief Cordray is as Corrupt as President Appointing Him

  49. Not Romney

  50. Resolutions for 2012

  51. Revisiting 2011 Resolutions

  52. Mitt Romney’s Remarkably Dull Sense of Humor – Video

  53. Mitt Romney’s Remarkably Dull Sense of Humor – Video

  54. Apologies!

  55. NOT AGAIN!

  56. Who is More Dangerous and Out of Control – Obama or the Courts-

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