Monday, January 9, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (1-8-2012)


  1. The media is not giving a clear picture of 'going negative'

  2. Newt Attacks Media, Left for Bigotry Against Christians

  3. The Media Blasts Republicans While Obama Destroys Nation

  4. TheDC- Liberal media attempts to run cover for Stephanopoulos

  5. NH Debate- Millions Are Unemployed, Let's Talk About Contraception

  6. GOP Candidates Should Demand Non-Liberal Moderators For Primary Debates


NOTE:  It was stated in the article on #4 that the audience booed Stephanopoulos for the way he questioned Romney.  Stephanopoulos should of got booed. The MSM should expect responses like that. Does the MSM expect it is okay to give Republicans a rectal exam and not Obama? They need come down to reality.


NOTE 1:  #5 was put in this mix because Republicans should demand non-liberal moderators because liberals are bias.

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