Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is There A Conservative Revolt Under Way?


Mark of Mark America seems to think so. You can find why he thinks so by reading his post below.


Conservative Revolt Under Way- by Mark

After Monday nights Fox News GOP Debate in South Carolina, it seems that a fair number among the conservative base of the GOP is on the cusp of open revolt against the party establishment that keeps shoving Mitt Romney down our throats. His insistence on delaying disclosure of his tax returns until April signifies the fact that he has some weakness there he doesn’t want exposed until after he expects to have the nomination locked up, but he didn’t even firmly commit to that time-frame. This is something we must demand of all the GOP candidates. None should escape our examination. The last thing we need is a candidate with warts that will be exposed later, once nominated, that will cost us the election and shaft us with another four years of Barack Obama.


It’s bad enough that the party establishment has pushed up the schedule in the early states in order to close off debate sooner, but I don’t think they planned on this reaction by the base. People are now starting to ask: “Hey, what’s in those tax returns” or “why are we being told this guy is inevitable?” As this goes on, it’s becoming clear that there is a portion of the media, even non-traditional media, that is pushing certain polls at us relentlessly showing Romney way ahead, while the truth on the ground in South Carolina and elsewhere may be something else entirely. 


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