Saturday, January 21, 2012

Representative Dana Rohrabacher Says Holder Needs To Resign


Rohrabacher- Holder 'seems arrogant,' needs to resign over Fast and Furious by Matthew Boyle over at The Daily Caller

BALTIMORE, Md. — California Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher told The Daily Caller he thinks Attorney General Eric Holder should resign over Operation Fast and Furious during a Friday interview at the House Republican retreat at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront hotel.


Rohrabacher joins 62 of his House colleagues, two U.S. senators, two sitting governors and every major Republican presidential candidate in demanding that Holder be removed from office.


Eighty-nine congressmen have signed onto a House resolution of “no confidence” in Holder. Between the two lists, which don’t perfectly overlap, 101 members of the House have “no confidence” in Holder, believe he should resign, or both.


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