Friday, January 20, 2012

Obama Re-election Gimmick


This where I say “Folks, I can’t believe their trying this racist crap at election time.” i-dont-know


New Team Obama Re-Election Gimmick- Is America a Post-Racial Society- by Lloyd Marcus

Suddenly, there is a lot of discussion about whether or not we live in a "post-racial society." With the 2012 presidential election right around the corner, I can only conclude that, despicably, "race-baiting" will be a major component of the left's and the White House's Obama re-election campaign.


Recently, a black publication interviewed me for an article, the topic being "Is America a post-racial society?" Then, flipping through the TV channels, I caught a bit of two blacks on CNN discussing whether or not America is a post-racial society. It's coming up everywhere lately.


I am just giving you a heads-up, folks. All this talk about a post-racial society, which sounds like it came out of a marketing strategy meeting, is designed simply to accuse all who are against Obama's re-election of being non-post-racial. In other words, racist.




I found this article at the American Thinker.

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