Friday, January 20, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 19, 2012


  1. Fearlessly into the Future!

  2. Chatter Begins for New Candidate

  3. Fast and Furious: Refuse to Testify? Here's a Subpoena

  4. Mitt's Game

  5. Tea Party Failure- Not So Fast

  6. Predictions for 2012

  7. You’re NOT Alone!

  8. Trapping a Giant Alligator Is Rough

  9. Source- Online protest threatens piracy bill

  10. Huckabee objects to Romney ad

  11. DeMint- I will not endorse

  12. Hollywood Moguls Stopping Obama Donations Because Of Piracy Stand... Developing

  13. The most do nothing Congress since 1947 actually increased spending by 10%

  14. Irony- Theme song from Titanic was playing as Italian cruise ship capsized

  15. Get Out Of GOP

  16. Bonehead Of The Day 

  17. Bullshit Quote Of The Day

  18. Calif. treasurer accused of campaign fund theft

  19. ‘This is business, and we’re being cheated

  20. Score one for the American people and Internet freedom

  21. Religious bigotry-

  22. Andy Roche and Dr Lavinia Perumal are a couple of fascists

  23. Th, th, that's all folks (c)

  24. Listen to the conversation between the coast guard and the captain of the recently sunk cruise liner

  25. They don't make them like this anymore

  26. 21st century masculinity and 21st century something  entirely else

  27. RICK PERRY DROPS OUT – Will Endorse Gingrich

  28. Details of Obama’s Letter to Iran Released- Obama Says “US Will Not Take Hostile Action Against Iran”

  29. Iranian Regime Claims Its Diesel Submarines Can Ambush and Strike US Carriers

  30. New Low for #Occupy Movement… Protester Charged With Lynching (Video)

  31. Why Do They Hate-

  32. CNN- Perry Goes Home(UPDATED-Endorses Newt)

  33. Iowa Revisited- Santorum Wins!

  34. Daily Caller- Tea Party Coalescing Around Newt Gingrich

  35. SYRIA- false narratives and propaganda

  36. Canada Looks to Asia After Obama Rejects Keystone XL

  37. Candidly Speaking- Groveling to the Brotherhood

  38. Black pastors join pro-family groups to condemn Southern Poverty Law Center for ‘bigotry’

  39. ...I’m going to find you, and then I’m going to chop your legs off for taking my daughter away

  40. Canadian politics- Liberals are the party of #censorship

  41. U.S. won't issue early permit for Keystone XL oil pipeline

  42. New Rasmussen Poll Finds Gingrich Leading Romney In South Carolina…

  43. Egyptian Cleric- “Jews Are a Cancer In The Body of Planet Earth, Getting Rid of These Jews Is a

  44. Indiana Gov. Daniels to deliver GOP response to Obama

  45. In the first month of your Presidency, you would-

  46. Might in Your Midst!  [Thursday, January 19, 2012]

  47. Catch-22 Doctrines

  48. Priceline sends Shatner's Negotiator over a cliff

  49. Self Defense

  50. Daily Read – January 19

  51. Ann on Bain, Ampad, and Romney….Again

  52. Glenn Beck- Ron Paul backers threatened my life

  53. Guess Which Party Has Taken in More Bain Money Recently-

  54. HOORAY! The English Defense League gives birth to the European Defense League

  55. SWEDEN- 20 Muslim invaders gang rape 11-year-old Swedish girl in public bathhouse

  56. When You Lie With Dogs

  57. Humpday History Highlight

  58. Keystone XL Finale

  59. Obama=Mittens, Perry and Romney, Oh My

  60. Center for American Progress Comes Under Fire For Anti-Semitic Remarks

  61. The Conspiracy Has Been Exposed

  62. Huntsman Plays Robin to Romney’s Batman but Can Romney Be the GOP’s Superhero

  63. Falling Down in Los Angeles Traffic

  64. The Iron Lady-  Great acting, flawed storytelling

  65. Old News

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