Saturday, January 14, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 13, 2012


  1. EPA Penalizes Refiners For Failing to Use Fuel That ‘Does Not Exist’

  2. Good Lord! Listen To Rush’s Reaction To Seeing …

  3. Vulture Capitalism

  4. A Portrait of the First Lady as an Angry Young Woman

  5. Tebow tops ESPN 'Fan Favorite pro athlete' poll

  6. New ad slams Mitt- 'Just like John Kerry -- he speaks French, too'

  7. Shocking report- President Obama didn't want to take pictures with troops during Baghdad trip

  8. Homeland Security Spying On Your Social Media- More Hype Than News

  9. Did George Lucas Just Call Tolerant, Inclusive, Liberal Hollywood Racist-

  10. True Grown-ups and a little on male emasculation

  11. Bystander Apathy

  12. Hail in Summer

  13. Movie- The Way

  14. Rotorua leaves a bad smell in the air

  15. Degrading people for our pleasure and amusement

  16. An idyllic Indonesian childhood

  17. #Occupy Criminal Movement Becomes Latest Terrorist Wing of Democrat Party Replacing KKK

  18. Good Grief… Meghan McCain Compares Herself to Ronald Reagan (Video)

  19. Gallup- conservatism remains dominant American ideology

  20. Moore wants 50% income tax rate, won't donate to US Treasury [VIDEO]

  21. Animal rights terror group takes credit for torching cattle trucks

  22. Hand-Wringers Whine About Marines Urinating on Corpses of Taliban Fighters

  23. You Can Learn a Lot From an Endorsement

  24. Smacking Down Anti-Pipeline Eco-Quislings Earns Canada International Street Cred

  25. Thailand arrests Hezbollah suspect after US Bangkok alert

  26. Muslims Attacked!

  27. SAD- US Aid Money Used To Fund Support Rallies For Islamist Murderer

  28. Fire Up The Printing Presses- Bernanke Considers Third Round of Quantitative Easing…

  29. Pic of the Day…

  30. Federal Judge Orders Historical Prayer Mural Removed From Rhode Island School After One Person Complaint

  31. Cuban-Americans Infuriated After Mercedes-Benz Uses Che Guevara to Promote Cars

  32. Supreme Court delivers a knockout punch to the White House

  33. “We find your lack of sincerity disturbing, comrade”

  34. SC DMV chief says as many as 900 dead people may have voted in SC elections

  35. Not that I can afford a Mercedes-Benz…

  36. What the Heck

  37. Never Alone!  [Friday, January 13, 2012]

  38. WHY OBAMA WILL BE RE-ELECTED IN 2012 by Walter Williams

  39. Should Christians keep the Sabbath-

  40. Fact Checker Gives Gingrich Attack Ad 4 Pinocchios

  41. Government Steals Freedom

  42. Daily Read – January 13

  43. The Good Ol’ Days

  44. Stuck

  45. Heading Home

  46. Haley Barbour Pardons 4 Killers – All Trustees in Governors Mansion- Pardoning Trustees is Tradition

  47. ALLEN WEST on ‘Urine Gate’ – “Unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell

  48. Terror-linked CAIR wants the ‘Urine Gate’ Marines “punished to the full extent of the law”

  49. WOO HOO! FRANCE deports record numbers of illegal (mostly Muslim) aliens

  50. Chad Ochocinco Hardest Hit 

  51. Al Gore Said North Pole Would Be Completely Melted This Year… Guess Not, Huh-

  52. THOUSANDS of Mourners Shout “Death to America” & Carry Pictures of Obama at Funeral

  53. The Urination Relativism

  54. Not just Solyndra- New docs show Energy Dept knew the risks in loan guarantee program

  55. Hooah- Allen West Responds to Marine Urination Incident- War is Hell

  56. Won’t you go home, Bill Daley, won’t you go home- [Reader Post]


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