Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 3, 2012


  1. The Stratfor Scandal

  2. The Case against Presidential Primaries

  3. Judaism Fits With Economic Conservatism, Not Liberalism

  4. Firebombs thrown at Muslim center in NYC

  5. Bizarre- Some Obama Democrats to to switch parties and caucus for Ron Paul

  6. Shameful- Elementary School Claims Kids Wrote Occupy Song

  7. Epic Fail Of The Day

  8. Bitch Slap Of The Day

  9. Media Template For The Year

  10. BREAKING- The George Soros – Ron Paul Connection

  11. Tea Party Saying NO To Ron Paul-

  12. Kiwi ‘ethnic minority’ whines about not getting taxpayer funding-

  13. “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

  14. Horsecrap and bollocks-

  15. ‘The Supreme Court can’t be absolute

  16. Wouldn't most people do what Rick Santorum did-

  17. Never too young

  18. Libra Transgender Blow Up

  19. Public Relations over Ethics

  20. #Occupy Portland Leader Exposes Himself at Family Friendly Potluck Festival (Video)

  21. Massive Explosion in Laredo, Texas

  22. Donald Trump- If Ron Paul Wins It Will Be a Tremendous Black Eye For Iowa (Video)

  23. Father Christmas Stabbed to Death by Muslim Fanatics in Tajikistan

  24. Is the 2012 GOP field as weak as it appears-(History suggests there may be a diamond in the rough.)

  25. Seems Obama would rather campaign than govern

  26. God is NOT a schizophrenic

  27. Ron Paul- Soros Puppet-

  28. Ron Paul’s Soros Defense Plan

  29. For Once I agree with Iran

  30. Muslim moderation- Mission impossible-

  31. Muslim Murder Of Santa Described as Regular Violence

  32. We Are… the 32%! The Number of Democrats Falls to All-Time Low


  34. RNC video drafts Democrats to damn Obama  [VIDEO]

  35. Ron Paul Endorsed by George Soros “Blue Republican” Organization

  36. Herman Cain promises the announcement of a new “national movement”

  37. Occupy Protesters Interrupt Ron Paul Speech With “Mic Check” . . . Shout Compliments…

  38. em . . . Global Warming!

  39. White House Official Asks Boehner To Form RINO-Dem House Caucus…

  40. Report- Joseph Kennedy III Likely To Announce Run For House Seat Left Open By Bawney Fwank Within A Week

  41. Some Perspective on the Hawkeye Cauci

  42. Did We Spur the Santorum Surge-

  43. Operation Chaos Enters the Lexicon

  44. Don't Write Off Rick Perry

  45. Regime Grabs Power to Detain US Citizens

  46. The horrifying price we pay for not signing the Kyoto treaty

  47. Indiana Marine Faces 15 Years For Carrying a Gun in New York

  48. Rep. Steve King Nails It- “American people don’t know what House Republicans believe in”

  49. The Passion of Rick Santorum

  50. Is Walker Winning-

  51. GOP To Use Obama’s Own Words Against Him For Election 2012

  52. The “Out Of Touch” Dems

  53. NYT – Mouthpiece For The Commu…….Democrat Party

  54. Daily Read – January 3

  55. Rick Santorum’s Bus- It Isn’t His – Bet You Can’t Guess Who Loaned Their Bus

  56. NYPD Says Suspect Admits to Firebombing Store and Islamic Center

  57. FOX Nation- Perry Ad Sends Chills Up Your Spine (Video)

  58. Hypocrite Of The Day

  59. MoveOn Email Of The Day

  60. Boneheads Of The Day

  61. Ron Paul win likely today in Iowa(but late-deciders could confound this calculus)

  62. Entering the homestretch of Obama’s re-election effort

  63. Was Newt In It to Win It When He Entered Presidential Contest-

  64. What if Santorum Wins-

  65. Santorum Did Not Expect This

  66. What explains the Santorum surge-

  67. Home!

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