Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 2, 2012


  1. Campaign warning parents of bias in classroom books

  2. Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!

  3. Hawkeye Hoopla and the Rueful Paul Reality

  4. Will 2012 be any better than 2011-

  5. Arson is the poor man's WMD

  6. Iraq vet 'with PTSD' suspected in murder of ranger; on the run in nat'l park 

  7. UPDATE- Man detained after 55 fires lit across L.A

  8. Fail- Some guy who throws like a girl tries to glitter bomb Rick Santorum

  9. Political Correctness Gone Wild- Toys are becoming gender free

  10. Quote Of The Day

  11. Bumper Sticker Of The Day

  12. YES!

  13. Don’t take care this New Year

  14. The trough-

  15. Single-  Alone- Voted National in the Last Election-

  16. How many psychologists did it take to turn the prairies into fields of wheat-

  17. Night of the living dead

  18. Mitt Romney Not Natural Born Citizen-

  19. Iranian Regime Announces Team of Experts Set to Examine Captured US Drone

  20. UFC Champ Jacob Volkmann Takes Swipe at Obama- “He Needs a Glassectomy” (Video)

  21. Rick Perry Joined On Stump By Navy SEAL Hero He Helped

  22. Obama Expresses Objections to Indefinite Detention of US Citizens While Signing Defense Act

  23. “60 Minutes” Grills Eric Cantor on Why He’s Republican in Sunday Night Hit Piece (Video)

  24. Not many reasons to vote for Obama this time around

  25. Henry Falcone - 2012 THE RECOMPENSE BEGINS!

  26. Bachmann plays gender card as Iowa GOP vote nears

  27. Landmark Legal on Point in Obamacare Fight

  28. Surrender By Another Name Smells No Sweeter

  29. France's Teetery Effort to Reverse Creeping Islamization

  30. Truth is stranger than fiction...The Trojan Horse President

  31. Brian Lilley Asks...What is Canadian conservatism-

  32. All-American Snow Job

  33. Is it really a good idea to teach Chimps to light fires-

  34. Occupy Iowa Caucus Protesters Storm Democratic Party’s New War Room, Angry Over Claims They Were Denied Meeting With DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz

  35. Nigerian Jihadist Group Boko Haram Gives Christians Ultimatum- Leave The North In Three Days Or Be Killed

  36. US-Funded PA President Mahmoud Abbas Appoints Palestinian Terrorist Released In Shalit Deal As One Of His Advisers

  37. “Warrior of The Middle Class” Barack Obama Dines At Exclusive Hawaiian Restaurant, Home of The $50 Ribeye And $28 Sushi

  38. Egypt- Muslim Brotherhood Leaders Quote Prophet Mohammad At Al-Azhar Conference- “O Muslim, This Is A Jew Behind Me, Come And Kill Him”

  39. Wall Street Occupiers Stab NYPD Officer, Surround Ambulance Trying To Rush Him To The Hospital…

  40. Welcome to 2012 -- Fasten Your Seatbelts

  41. Major U.S. Jewish Groups Slam Top Dem Think Tank Center For American Progress Over Anti-Semitic

  42. Occupy Albany Goons Post “Wanted” Poster Threatening Police Officer And Family…

  43. We’re Saved! Global Warming Play Brings Awareness

  44. On This Day In History…

  45. Heading Home

  46. David Gregory Rick Santorum- Grilled on Earmarks and Romney Endorsement-

  47. Benjamin Colton Barnes Dead in Mt. Ranier National Park-

  48. Eugene City Councilor Asks For Police Protection After #Occupy Goons Hold Second Protest

  49. It’s an Obama World… Record Number of Guns Sold This Christmas

  50. Palin says critics should 'just shut up' about possible Trump third-party bid

  51. A (Yellow) Feather in Mitt Romney’s Cap

  52. Brutal Warlord Repents, Turns into Modern-Day Paul

  53. Rasmussen- Dem party affiliation at all-time low

  54. The Ominous Handwriting on America’s Wall

  55. Rick Santorum- “I Don’t Want To Make Black People’s Lives Better By Giving Them Someone Else’s Money”

  56. Fail. #Occupy Octopus Marches Behind Rose Parade and Nobody Cares (Video)

  57. Congratulations!… Obama & Holder Make 2011 List of 10 Most Corrupt DC Politicians

  58. Communist Party Targets  Veterans for Recruitment- How Will Their Skills be Used-

  59. 2011 – Turning Our Backs on the Gods of the Copybook Headings

  60. Do Democrats not like President Obama-

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