Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Meatheads Of The Day (1-9-2012)


1)  What is with Senator Chuck Schumer blaming pain killers for violent crime? Do pain killers shoot people? I was always under the impression it was criminals that did violent crimes. Or is Senator Chuck Schumer just trying stir up rhetoric?


  1. Chuck Schumer Blames Pain Killers for Violent Crime Instead of Criminals

2)  Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz is really trying hit the jackpot with “Squirmier Of The Day” and now meathead. She says Romney is the cause of more job losses than Obama. Hello! She really has got lay off that DC kool-aid. 


  1. DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz- Romney Is Responsible For Job Losses, Obama Isn’t…

  2. Debbie Wasserman Schultz- You know, Mitt Romney is a pretty big flip-flopper

3)  Dave Axelrod must of down a few glass of the DC kool-aid. He says it is preposterous that Obama’s policies have worsened the recession.


  1. Axelrod- It’s “Preposterous” To Say Obamanomics Has Hurt The Economy…

  2. Top Obama Adviser David Axelrod- “I’m Not Sure Mitt Romney Would Have Made That Decision” To Kill Bin Laden

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