Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Meatheads Of The Day (1-3-2012)


1)  Does Rachel Maddow truly expects us to believe MSNBC is not operating with political objective? The Woman needs to take off the rose-color glasses.





  1. MSNBC's Rachel Maddow with a straight face- There may be liberals on TV at MSNBC, but the network is not operating with a political objective

2)  DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz is something else. She supports Occupy Whatever. She is really downing the kool-aid, because she doesn’t see their criminal acts or she is endorsing their criminal acts. She has a crazy idea Americans would do good with another 4 years of Obama. Yeap, she has been downing Kool-aid. Time for her go to rehab to get off the Kool-aid.


  1. DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Says She Supports #Occupy Criminal Movement

  2. Video- DNC chair accuses Romney of caring more about “Obama’s job than America

  3. Oh My- DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz Criticizes Occupy Iowa For Protesting At Democratic War Room,

  4. DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz- “American People Will Win The Day On November 6th” And Reelect Barack Obama

  5. DWS: Obama Has Kept His Promises

  6. Exclusive Video- Townhall Confronts Debbie Wasserman Schultz

3)  This high school kid, Jay Carney, needs to get a new job if all he can do is complain about Republicans and talk about Gorilla dust. He even called Obama Emperor. How teenager is that?


  1. Propaganda Minister Jay Carney Accuses Republican “Obstructionists” Of “Putting Party Over Country

  2. Carney- Yes, Emperor Obama Will Rule Using Executive Orders “If Republicans Choose The Path Of Obstruction”

4)  Here is another actress that has been into the liberal juice. Ellen Barkin.  I guess she doesn’t know Obama has already started a police state.


  1. Liberal Actress Ellen Barkin- If Obama Loses, “Police State Will Be Just Around the Corner”…

5)  It is a wild day for the meatheads. Representative Hank Johnson is back on his Guam tipping over kick again.


  1. Hank Johnson Doubles Down on Stupid, Insists Guam Near Tipping Point

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