Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Left's Victimization Gig


The left’s victimizing gig is for birds. The Left need new  material. The victimizing gig is getting so old like their race card gig.


The Left's Victimization Gig by Mary Nicholas


The latest "victim" of the left is Jeremiah Wright, according to David Axelrod, chief political strategist for Obama's re-election campaign. In a speech on January 10, at Thousand Oaks, Ca., he described Wright as a victim of selective editing and the 2008 news reports of him as "ninety seconds of vitrioli plucked from thirty years of sermons by some enterprising opposition researcher" (Big Government). The "Transparency Policy" prevented the recording of the event, but the quotation was written down and tweeted immediately upon delivery. Numerous writings and YouTube recordings of Wright's preaching at Trinity United Church of Christ, including one immediately after Obama's famous "race speech" in Philadelphia flatly contradict that.


In evaluating the "victim" status of Wright, it's important to put him within the larger context of "victims" of the left in recent years.


"Good" victims of the left have included not only Wright, but also black farmers who alleged that they were discriminated against by the USDA, illegal aliens, victims of the home mortgage frauds, victims of U.S. wars, and victims of pedophilia. No one is denying that discrimination -- and in some cases, horrendous crimes -- took place, but in the majority of cases, "liberal" (perhaps unscrupulous) compensation was given. The Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress, integration of schools is the norm, and the Pigford Settlement (Big Government) was recently distributed. There were investigations of fraudulent home mortgages at the state and federal level and investigation of churches, changes in statutes of limitations for some crimes, financial compensation, and major changes in the selection and training of personnel.


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I found this article on the American Thinker.

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