Saturday, January 21, 2012

Da Tagliare Talks About Merle Hoffman


Da Tagliare over at Godfather Politics has a post today also. He talks about Merle Hoffman, an abortion provider.


If Obama Loses in 2012, US Will Have Free and Slave States, Says Top Abortion Provider by Da Tagliare

Merle Hoffman is president and CEO of Choices Women’s Medical Center, one of the largest women’s health and abortion clinics in the United States. She has been actively involved in women’s health issues since 1971 and now serves as publisher and editor-in-chief of On The Issues Magazine.


Next to the members of the US Supreme Court that ruled in favor of abortion in the Roe v Wade case, probably no other person in the United States has been involved with the premeditated murder of more unborn children than Hoffman has.


On Tuesday, Hoffman appeared at The National Press Club where she told everyone that if any of the Republican candidates get elected and repeal Roe v Wade, that the country will end up with free states that provide abortion and slave states that do not.


Read more: If Obama Loses in 2012, US Will Have Free and Slave States, Says Top Abortion Provider

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