Friday, January 20, 2012

Can You Say “Malarkey”?


Eric Holder is so full of malarkey, it isn’t even funny any more. Holder spoke with NAACP leaders, telling them that he intends to fight against any and all attempts by states to pass laws requiring some form of photo ID. Judge for yourselves at what Holder is really up to by reading what Da Tagliare over at Godfather Politics has to say about it:


US Attorney General Says Black People Less Capable to Get Photo ID by Da Tagliare

Monday for Martin Luther King Jr Day, US Attorney General Eric Holder spoke with NAACP leaders on the steps of the statehouse in South Carolina. Holder took the opportunity to tell the audience that he intends to fight against any and all attempts by states to pass laws requiring some form of photo ID.


South Carolina is one of those states in the voter ID fray and Holder told residents,


“After a thorough and fair review, we concluded that the state had failed to meet its burden of proving that the voting change would not have a racially discriminatory affect.”

Read more: US Attorney General Says Black People Less Capable to Get Photo ID

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