Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Blame Game


How Can Obama and the Democrats Deflect Blame-  Let Me Count the Ways by Jim Yardley over at the American Thinker

How many ways can Obama and the Democrats deflect blame away from their own ineptitude, utter incompetence and blatant corruption and cronyism? Well, let's look at a few of the Top 40 Democratic hits of the past three years.


"Republicans are only saying these things because they are racist and the President is a Black man."


"Republicans are leveling these charges because they think it will hurt the President politically."


"The Tea Parties are Astroturf, not a 'real' grass-roots movement." Ergo, they have no credibility, so anything they say about anyone can be dismissed.


"The Tea Parties are racist, and they are only motivated by the fact that they don't like a black man in the White House."


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