Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 here we come


See if you agree or not with what Jerry Philipson say what needs to be done in 2012.


2012 here we come by Jerry Philipson

2012 is going to be one of the most significant, important years in living memory. Serious threats to the United States and the rest of the free world are many and varied and both will be under attack as never before.


The Presidential election in the U.S., continuing turmoil throughout the Middle East, the enormous and growing deficit and debt in America, the financial fiasco in Europe, ongoing Islamization in the United States, Europe and democracies everywhere at the expense of freedom and its principles and institutions, Iran and her single-minded, obsessive pursuit of nuclear weapons and her avowed intention to use them against Israel and the U.S., the rise of China and a new dictator in North Korea are only some of the things that could easily lead to death and destruction on an unimaginable scale, could easily lead to the effective demise of the free world, could easily lead to the forces of darkness and ignorance becoming ascendant. There are powder kegs everywhere and any of them could explode and cause us great harm or bring us down at any time…there is a great deal to fear but is there any reason to hope that sanity will prevail and that we will survive as free peoples in free, democratic societies, or survive at all for that matter?


Yes there is. Four things have to happen at the absolute minimum, however, if freedom and democracy are to prevail and Western civilization and the Western way of life are to survive.


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This article came from Canada Free Press.

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