Saturday, November 5, 2011

My List Of Articles On November 4, 2011

  1. New Poll- Do Americans Now Disapprove of Occupy Wall St-
  2. Beck Discovers Story of One Town‘s ’Declaration of Independence’
  3. Are You Smarter Than a Wall Street Occupier-
  4. Man Interrupts Elizabeth Warren Town Hall- ‘You’re a Socialist Whore’
  5. Colorado's Killer Message: Don’t Tax Me, Bro
  6. Palin in Fla. Criticizes Occupy Protesters
  7. Eyewitness disputes claim that Cain behaved inappropriately
  8. On third thought: Cain still seems to think Curt Anderson is the leaker; Update: Time for another “vague new details emerge” update; Update: “It’s a hatchet job,” says former NRA chief
  9. Video- “60 Minutes” ambushes Pelosi
  10. Cain aide- We’re thinking about legal action against Politico
  11. OWS and Democrats
  12. Occupying the Minds of Our Youth
  13. The Issue Come November 2012
  14. DOJ refuses to release Kagan Obamacare documents
  15. Open Letter To Herman Cain From A Fellow Black Conservative
  16. George Soros Trader Involved in Bankrupt Firm Tied to Obama
  17. Congressmen, rifle assoc. president- WH must address calls for Holder's resignation
  18. For Sen. Feinstein, Gunwalker Still an Excuse to Push Gun Control
  19. Obama Justice Dept. Looking to Legalize Perjury-
  20. Union Chief- 'We Need More Militancy' to Occupy Protests
  21. The Next Move of God by Nicki Pfeifer
  22. Curt Landry- Entering into a New Season - Foundations for the Next 10 Years
  23. More Violence From The Obama-Supported Occupy Wall Street
  24. The Media is Clueless!! Israel is NOT Preparing To Attack Iran in the Near Future
  25. House to Launch Probe of Rep's Campaign Conduct
  26. Violent Vid- Occupy Protesters Caught in Morning Brawl
  27. Christian Launches ‘Occupy the Altar’ to Ask for God’s Economic Intervention
  28. Chuck Woolery Sits Down With Beck and Explains ‘Coming Out’ as a Conservative
  29. Meet the Oakland Developer Who Used a Shotgun to ‘Discourage’ Occupy Rioters
  30. The 99%- Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers
  31. List of congressmen calling for Holder's resignation continues to grow
  32. Congresswoman accuses Napolitano of releasing criminal illegals on US streets [VIDEO]
  33. White House Insider- The Obama Plan
  35. GIULIANI- Obama 'owns Wall Street movement'
  36. 'Occupy Atlanta' denies rumors of partnership with Nation of Islam
  37. Media Shifts to Damage Control as Politico Smear Fails to Take Out Cain
  38. Shame on Republicans Who Threw Herman Cain Under the Bus
  39. Historic Moment for Scandals- The Lack of a Cover-Up is the Crime
  40. Caller on the Double Standard for Black Conservatives
  41. Friday News Dump- WH Protesting Solyndra Subpoena
  42. Secular Media on Spiritual Warfare, Politics and '7 Mountains'

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