Friday, November 4, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 3, 2011


  1. ‘Shut This City Down’- Inside Occupy Wall Street’s Anti-Police Racial Justice March
  2. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer: The Buck Stops With Eric Holder
  3. Fun rumor of the day- Palin reconsidering-
  4. BREAKING- #Occupy Oakland Vandalizes Whole Foods Store, Smashes Bank of America Windows, Activist
  5. The Missouri GOP Wakes Up
  6. The Mystery of the American Jewish Voter
  7. Herman Cain, Amazing Grace Under Fire
  8. End the Occupation
  9. CFP’s Call to Champions of Conservative Media
  10. White House, DOJ silent as 34 members of Congress call for Holder's resignation
  11. 40 House Republicans Sign Letter Saying They’re Open To Tax Increases
  12. Pollster working for Perry-aligned PAC denies leaking Cain story after he reveals new details
  13. Obama spiritual adviser knocks the tea party for taking cues from Ayn Rand
  14. The Ark and the Titanic
  15. Cops, Protesters Clash in Seattle
  16. Baltimore Cuts Power To Camp
  17. Money Influence is not just the Love Of--
  18. The deceitfulness of wealth
  19. There will be Light in Washington
  20. Let the Churchills Rise in the Church
  21. What God Wants for America - Cindy deVille
  22. Occupy Seattle Mob Tries to Pull Off ‘Citizen’s Arrest’ of JP Morgan CEO
  23. 'Occupy' Movement's Favorability Rating Plummets, For Some Reason
  24. NRA president- Eric Holder must resign now
  25. GOP senator- Holder should investigate illegal immigration sanctuary counties
  26. Regime Subpoenaed on Solyndra
  27. Oakland Rioters- Obama's Base
  28. It's Bleak Out There for Obama
  29. Caller's Complaint About Cain
  30. Is Jon Stewart still down with the ‘Occupy’ protests after violence in Oakland-
  31. Why conservatives will win in the end
  32. FBI- House Majority Leader's Family Threatened
  33. Justice Department Ditches Rule That Would Allow It to Deny Existence of Sensitive Documents
  34. CNN Political Ticker- “‘Fast and Furious’ flap likely to linger”

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