Thursday, November 10, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 9, 2011, Part 2


  1. Kristallnacht- 73 Years Ago The Holocaust Began-Is it About to Begin Again-
  2. Why Cain’s problems don’t help Obama
  3. Why is the federal government promoting Christmas trees-
  4. Raymond Ibrahim- Muslim Prayers of Hate
  5. Minnesota- Hamas-linked CAIR objects to description of al-Shabaab as an Islamic extremist terror
  6. Saudi Arabia- Hajj pilgrims trashing Mecca, Islam's holiest site
  7. How big Government grows
  8. Funny old world
  9. The Obama Who Taxed Christmas-(Updated)
  10. Obama Administration to Delay New 15-Cent Christmas Tree Tax
  11. Occupy protester: I hope there’s another 9/11
  12. America Will Continue to Decline Unless the GOP Establishment Embraces Conservative Ideology
  13. The Double Standard for Cain
  14. McCain predicts rise of third political party
  15. Friend of Murdered Border Patrol Agent: Holder Not Accepting Any Type of Accountability
  16. Union President Gives Congress Emails Backing Testimony- ICE Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals
  17. NBC’s David Gregory: GOP has no “Grand Wizard” to force out Cain; Update: Gregory apologizes
  18. New e-mails reveal: White House did meet with top donor on Solyndra
  19. Update- One Cain accuser has money problems, the other filed a job complaint
  20. Issa demands answers from Holder deputy about Fast and Furious ‘lie’
  21. Congressman- Holder warrants resignation calls much more than Gonzales did
  22. #Occupy fail- Fresh Anti-Semitic Videos Coming Out of Occupy Wall Street
  23. Tuberculosis breaks out at city's largest homeless shelter - CBS

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