Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 8, 2011, Part 1


  1. Limbaugh Has a Little Too Much Fun With Name of Cain’s 4th Accuser
  2. Mark Levin Has Some Unanswered Questions About the Account of Cain’s New Accuser
  3. Exposed- One of Cain’s Accusers Works for the Obama Administration
  4. Human Shields- D.C. Occupiers Who Used Children to Block Door Also Used Them to Block…Traffic
  5. Hate Crimes- Swastikas Found on NYC Library Branches & Synagogue
  6. Conn Carroll- FOIA reveals NASA's Hansen was a paid witness
  7. Are those Americans in the streets-
  8. What really matters about Herman Cain-
  9. J.R. Martinez flawless on 'Dancing with the Stars'
  10. Chicago-Style- Rahm Imposes Higher Fines
  11. Holder to Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday
  12. Fast and Furious: Whistleblower Protection Reinforcement Legislation Introduced
  13. 10 Quotes That Tell You How Bad The Occupy Wall Street Movement Has Gotten
  14. Holder to Be Grilled on 'Fast and Furious'; 'We Will Feel Its Effects for Years'
  15. Ali on Smokin' Joe Frazier's Death- 'World Has Lost A Great Champion'
  16. MLK niece says King 'would not have condoned' the OWS movement
  17. The Occupiers have gone too far
  18. DOJ Mass Murder Catastrophe
  19. Canada could be first country whose kids go to school to learn to be OWS activists
  20. A Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic
  21. Cain accuser has history of financial troubles, legal squabbles
  22. Shake-up- Obama’s chief of staff hands over day-to-day WH operations
  23. Michael W Smith - Awesome God
  24. Missouri DESE Social Studies Standards and OWS Lesson Plans Have Alot in Common. What Happened to our Republican form of Government
  25. Latest Cain accuser seems more than a little suspect
  26. The most controversial advertisement for a new show on GBTV EVER!

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