Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fired JPL Creationist Employee’s Court Case Starts Today


Fired JPL Creationist Employee’s Court Case Starts Today by Giacomo over at Godfather Politics


David Coppedge worked as a high-level technical specialist for the Jet Propulsion Laboratories for fourteen years. He worked on the Cassini mission to Saturn.


David is an outspoken biblical creationist. He has his own creation website and has written prolifically on the creation – evolution issue and is well respected by other creationists worldwide.


The California Institute of Technology operates the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and were quite aware of David’s creationist views. They issued David a written warning for ‘pushing his religion’ to other JPL workers while on the job. This was followed up with a charge of harassment. Eventually, David was demoted in position and pay.


Read more: Fired JPL Creationist Employee’s Court Case Starts Today - Godfather Politics

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