Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On March 26, 2012


  1. Untangling the Republican Delegate Mess

  2. 'New' Black Panthers same as the old - only worse

  3. Sinister Liberal Version of “Natural Law” is a Perverse, Anti-Constitutional Hoax

  4. It Doesn’t Matter If You’re Black or White

  5. When I was Young I was a Liberal/Socialist/Communist

  6. Video- 3 Reasons to End Obamacare Before it Begins!

  7. Congratulations- Your tax dollars are being used to teach homeless to break and enter empty properties

  8. Sheriff Joe Arpaio to hold another press conference about investigation into Obama's alleged forged BC And Selective Service Card

  9. Today's Is it getting dusty in here- video sm-Dance2

  10. New Civility Fail- The Left's Uncivil Response to Cheney's Heart Transplant

  11. Ratings Plunge at Some of Cable's Largest Networks

  12. Work-Related Of The Day

  13. Romney’s Math Is Stuck In His One Dimensional Political Fallacy

  14. “Here, Mohamed, take my sister. My daughter too….”


  16. Give Way rule change

  17. Religious illiterate Washington Post On Faith writer

  18. Picture  of the day

  19. Democrats FURIOUS That Cheney Didn’t Face Obama Death Panel Before Transplant

  20. Awesome! FreedomWorks Delivers 120,000 Repeal Obamacare Petitions to Pelosi and Reid

  21. Aggressive Parents Force Colorado Town to Cancel Easter Egg Hunt (Video)

  22. Whoa! Christians Hold Huge Protest Against Obama’s HHS Mandate… In San Francisco

  23. Outrageous!… Hollywood Kills Off Tea Partiers and Conservative TV Hosts in Latest Disgusting Snuff “God Bless America”

  24. Today’s SCOTUS Oral Obamacare Arguments

  25. Sarah Palin Tweets Hilarious Video as the Vetting of Obama Continues  smiley-laughing001

  26. Message to Obamacare Goons- Kiss My…

  27. What is the Difference Between the Left and the GOP Establishment-  d'oh

  28. Undermining Faith

  29. Uphold, NOT Interpret

  30. Daily Read – March 26

  31. More OWS Violence- Man Stabbed Outside Occupy San Fran Camp… icon_rant

  32. Team Obama Trots Out Crusty Feminist Relic Gloria Steinem To Extol The Virtues of Dear Leader…

  33. New Yorkers On Return Of Occupy Wall Street- “They Smell Like Wild Piss”…

  34. Martin Family Confirms Trayvon Was Suspended From School Over Marijuana…d'oh

  35. House Liberals Unveil Budget Proposal That Increases Taxes By $4.7 Trillion Along With $2.9 Trillion

  36. Mother of Trayvon Martin Files Paperwork To Trademark Dead Son’s Name…  icon_rant

  37. Obama Lawyer Laughed At In Supreme Court For Dubbing Individual Mandate Both A “Penalty” And “Tax”

  38. Sarkozy- Muslim Clerics With Radical Views Will Be Banned From Entering France…

  39. Police- Trayvon Martin Decked Zimmerman With One Punch, Repeatedly Slammed Head Into Sidewalk…

  40. Israel To U.N. Human Rights Council- Piss Off…

  41. University Censures Professor For Daring To Criticize Lib Hero Sandra Fluke…

  42. The Finishing Anointing

  43. Nice Wiener!

  44. On A Wings And A Prayer

  45. The Obama Economy Is Affecting Everyone snicker

  46. Over The River And Through The Woods

  47. Obamacare hits the Supreme Court Monday- another Point

  48. Queensland- What The Hell Just Happened- – Menzies House

  49. Supreme Court Skeptical On Obama’s Defense Of ObamaCare

  50. Almost Seventy Organizations Support Defunding Obama’s Unconstitutional Appointees

  51. Leading Black Conservatives Comment on SCOTUS Consideration of Obamacare

  52. UNC – Chapel Hill forbids mention of Limbaugh’s name during sports broadcasts

  53. Trayvon Martin case heading towards the political abyss

  54. Big win for Jerusalem at Supreme Court

  55. Obamacare Oral Argument – Day 1

  56. President Hot Mic can’t wait for a second term (Update- The bigger question)

  57. Trayvon Martin- The Race to Division

  58. Rick Santorum “Bullsh-t” – FULL VIDEO VERSION

  59. Let the good times roll! #ObamaCaresAboutMe  snicker

  60. Consider a donation to Hope for Paws

  61. Mychal S. Massie tells us why he doesn't like the Obama's

  62. Trayvon Martin

  63. Get out the vote

  64. Supreme Court to Judge Obamacare’s Constitutionality

  65. And your Marxist Moron of the Day is………

  66. How long until Chris Wysocki is Tebowing-

  67. Cat Survives 19-Floor High-Rise Plunge

  68. Police Report- Trayvon Martin Suspended From School For Possessing Stolen Jewelry And “Burglary Tool”…


  70. He had a lover’s quarrel with the world  birthdaysmiley