Obama Becomes O'mobba
The World According to Obama
What Happened to Preserve, Protect, and Defend-
The Gas Price Kerfuffle- Obama's Achilles Heel-
Obama Just Can’t Resist Injecting Race into Any Situation
New EPA GHG Rule is Latest Assault on American Energy
OBAMA- All countries are close allies!!
Obama shares plans with Russians, not with Americans
Leading With No One Behind
Obama Whispers Away America’s Security
Obama: No secret Russia agenda in my secret Russia statement
Why Obama's open mic slip could seriously hurt his reelection hopes
Poll- 68% Disapprove of Obama’s Job Handling Spike In Gas Prices…
Obama Campaign Calls GOP Candidates “Despicable” For Trying To Make Trayvon Martin Case a “Division Issue”
Obama shares plans with Russians, not with Americans
Did President Obama’s Comments to Russian Leader Border on Treason-
The Audacity of Obama’s Intentions Revealed
Obama goes beyond being anti-Christian
A Bad Week For Barack Gets Worse
An Obama campaign promise kept
Barack Obama’s RACE-WAR “Hood” Comes To Congress…