Hi! Everyone
Occidental College Transcripts Reveals Obama Claimed Foreign Citizenship to get Scholarship
Parents of murdered British students criticise Barack Obama
Mayor Bloomberg to homeless, 'No kugel for you!'
Watch Wisconsin
Will Florida Prosecute Holder's People-
The Bankrupt Race Card
Florida Dems Can’t Find Voters to Protest Allen West, so They Hire Some
Tweet Of The Day
Quote Of The Day
Why overturning health care would be a Democratic disaster
Alveda King- Sharpton, Jackson should stop ‘playing race card’ over Trayvon Martin
How To Save A Nation
No Best Friends Allowed In Some UK Schools
Trayvon Martin Sympathizer Arrested After Threatening to Hunt Down Police Chief & His Family “Like A Dog”
VA AG Ken Cuccinelli- Dems Removed Severability Clause So Entire Obamacare Law Must Be Thrown Out (Video)
It’s an Obama World… Gay Flag Flies at Afghan Base But the Christian Cross Is Banned
Today’s Democrook Spotlight- Gov. Jay Nixon Awards $1.1 Billion Contract to HMO After They Contributed $66,500 To His Campaign
Well, Justice Scalia, that’s what a lot of Democrats thought
Why didn’t Obama focus on economy after signing “stimulus”-
Wake Up- If You Believe in Coincidences… I Have This Bridge…
Wa-Po – Romney Unfavorability Rises
Yes, I Still Support Newt Gingrich
A Government “Mandate” Is NOT A “Blessing” Of Liberty
Daily Read – March 29
Second Eyewitness Saw Zimmerman On The Ground “Moaning And Crying For Help Seconds Before Shooting
It’s Good To Be Queen- Mooch Heads To Las Vegas For Yet Another Vacation…
Kill Zimmerman and When did I Have a Dream become I Have a Hoodie -
Conquering Discouragement!
Mitt Romney, Flip-Flopping, and RomneyCare in Massachusetts
Hello Norma Jean!
Attention Ladies!
Why the White House should be afraid, very afraid, over the ObamaCare arguments this week
Founding Member of Project 21 Black Conservative Group Calls Out New Black Panthers
The lifeboats are in the water at the Good Ship Obamacare Mandate
Summering on The Vineyard, wintering at Zuccotti
MUST SEE VIDEO! Google Refusing To Restore Hijacked Illegal Immigration Fighting Account
Senator McCain calls Obama comments to Russia dangerous to America
Good news for those of us who want Obamacare repealed
Women Turning To Guns For Protection
Trying To Redefine Judicial Activism
Obama's Budget Fails Unanimously In The House
A Guide For The Left On How To Tell Whites From Hispanics
ObamaCare Arguments, Day Four- The Lashing-Out Phase Begins
Democrats- Hey, Let’s Raise Taxes On Energy Suppliers (Videos)
TSA Manager Arrested For Running Prostitution Ring
Obama State Department- Jerusalem And Israel Are Separate Entities
Oh boy! Chris Wysocki will get it now!
You might be a Redneck if you have ever done this
A new record!
Hmmm… good question
The Four Liberal Supreme Court Justices Don't Like the US Constitution
My Judge Buddy on Severability
Liberals Can't Defend Their Corrupt Ideas, So They Create Phony, Divisive Distractions
Congress Wants Former Obama Staffer To Testify On Fast and Furious – White House Says NO
That Didn’t Take Long… “Kill Zimmerman” Twitter Account Up & Running
Rush- Liberals Can’t Defend Their Corrupt Ideas, So They Create Phony, Divisive Distractions
Allen West Rips Bobby Rush’s “Immature Gimmickry” With Hoodie Stunt…
ACPE Word of the Lord for 2012