Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (3-27-2012)


1)  Alec Baldwin dish it out but he can’t take it.


  1. Alec Baldwin chickens out on Twitter challenge

  2. Alec Baldwin- All Mouth and No Integrity


2)  I still wonder where the Liberals get their information especially Pennsylvania State Representative Babette Josephs. Where did she get the info Republican woman are men with breast?


  1. Pennsylvania Democrat- Republican Women Are Men With Breasts

  2. Pennsylvania Legislator Calls Pro-life Women “Men With Breasts”

  3. Penn Democrat Attacks Pro-Life Women- “I Don’t Believe They’re Really Women — They’re Men With Breast

  4. And your Marxist Moron of the Day is………


3)  Dick Gregory is a meathead to say Trayvon Martin Was killed for his organs. Where in the world did he come up with that.  d'oh


  1. Comedian Race Baiter Dick Gregory- Trayvon Killed So They Could Harvest His Organs…


4)  Sometimes you have to call things the way they are. Spike Lee is a MEATHEAD. The address he tweeted wasn’t Zimmermans’ home but of a woman name Elaine. He possibly put a innocence life on the line by not thinking.  fiery4


  1. Spike Lee Tweets Incorrect Address For George Zimmerman, Puts Life of Woman Who Lives There In Danger

  2. Spike Lee Puts Innocent In Danger, Tweets Wrong Address