Obama: Immigration Naturalization Document Found in Boston Public Library
Now Obama Wants To Build A $5 Billion Bullet Train From Las Vegas To Nowhere
Obama Loves the Hoodie
The Empathizer-in-Chief Needs to Do Some Serious Soul-Searching
Obama the Appeaser
Whatever happened to 'bring us together'-
Obama's 'strong minority perspective'
Obama to North Korea: Don't Fire That Rocket, Or We'll Be Mad
Obama Asks China For Help on North Korea
Insider Warned Us – Obama’s Racial Division Plan Now Underway…
Obama Tells Russia to Hold Off on Missile Defense- “I’ll Have More Time After Elect
That’s Weird-… Forbes ‘Manchurian Candidate’ Article on Obama Disappears Down the Memory Limbo
Obama’s “Gambling Train to Nowhere” Moves Forward – Company May Get $4.9 Billion for the Project
Does Obama Lose Either Way-
Obama Will Have More Flexibility After the Election – As Will Romney After Nomination
Obama Seeks Advice on Raising His Two Girls From Turkey’s Islamist PM…
Team Obama Trying To Capitalize On Trayvon Martin Shooting- Tweets Out Link To Buy Official Hoodie Sweatshirt
Obama- America Has “Moral Obligation” To Disarm Our Nuclear Weapons Deterrent…
Obama's Imaginary Son Is Beginning To Look A Lot Like Al Sharpton
Thanks Barack… Gas Prices Expected To Continuously Increase Through Summer
Socialists.com And Communists.com Redirect To Obama Campaign Website
Expect Fraud!
Our metaphor-challenged president
Obama is counting on you, #Gen44!
New Black Panthers Put Out Bounty for Zimmerman -- and the President is Silent
Bam to Russians- Give Me Time