Move to the Back, Sit Down, Shut Up, and Vote Like We Tell You
The Unknown Soldiers
Obama Admin Paying New Game With Israel Security-
Time for Unchange
Indonesian Clerics- Skirts Above the Knee are “Pornographic”
Michelle Obama takes a 'trip to Las Vegas … on the taxpayer’s dime'
Queenslanders show what climate sanity looks like-
Dave Mustaine From Megadeth on Becoming Christian
If you want to find a racist
Reverend Jeremiah Wright Leads ‘Global March to Jerusalem’ – Protesters Throw Firebombs And Rocks At The Police
Sgt. Dennis Weichel- American Hero
Will contrast with Santorum help Romney among gays-
Why do (some) liberals refuse to accept merits of (many) conservatives’ arguments-
Well, Justice Scalia, that’s what a lot of Democrats thought
Trayvon Mania Highlights Diseased Culture of the Left
Sounds of Transformation
Report- Megan Fox Has A Bun In The Oven
I’m WSRM, and I’m Proud
A tale of two videos of RI Guardsman killed saving girl in Afghanistan
Bolton accuses Obama administration of leaking story on Israeli planning along Iran
Gun Control Alert- Beware of your Doctors Office Questionnaire-
Earth Hour's Global Propaganda Campaign
Reading The Tea Leaves In Massachusetts
All in the family
The racism test
Zimmerman's brother speaks out on Piers Morgan
The Marxists After the Oil Companies Yet Again
Fire The Clowns
Daily Read – March 30
Sorry Libs… Rape Charges Dropped Against Tea Party “Leader” – They Had the Wrong Guy
Flashback Of The Day
What would Teddy say if Obamacare goes down-
Friday Fume
Update- Issa and Grassley- We want to know what the White House knew about Fast and
Where Does the Supreme Court Get Its Power-
Black Teenage Homicidal Maniac Gets Life For Killing British Tourists, The Families
Palestinian Lawmaker Injured in Scuffle During Land Day Protests
DNC Promotes Trayvon “Hoodie Rally” In Charlotte, Uses It To Register Voters…
Note To Joe Scarborough- MoveOn, NAACP, SEIU Holding Trayvon Martin Protest On Saturday…
Love It- Sub-Contractor Walks Off the Job After Discovering He Was Pouring Concrete for an Abort
Poll- Number of Americans Who Say Zimmerman Should Be Arrested Drops From 73% To 48% In Less Than A Week
What it you threw a Two Million Man Global March on Jerusalem, and almost no one showed up-
The Day We Discovered Reagan Wasn’t Bulletproof
Who Is The Route 29 Batman- This Guy (Video)
Another $17 Trillion Surprise Found In Obamacare (Video)
Ex-communist nations expose Obama 'fraud'
Far Left Hero and Jew-Hater George Galloway Wins British Special Election
Why Am I Not Surprised
An E-Mail from My Friend Who's Not Thrilled About Mitt Romney
Cartoon Round Up
How Black Leaders Exploit Their People for Political and Financial Gain