Liberals are at it again in Canada. To tell the truth their the same in every country but with different party names. Liberals are a thorn in freedom loving people’s side.
Bob Rae Liberals look for money from public to save them from Big Bad Tories by Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press
Little did the Obama Team’s Director of Communications Jason Rosenbaum know when he passed along Number 7041885, falsely naming Canada Free Press (CFP) as a ‘Friend’ and ‘Supporter’ to Canadian Liberals, that it would shine the light on the direct link that exists between the Obama Democrats and the Canadian Liberals.
Liberal MP Justin Trudeau included CFP on a nation-wide call for donations in an email yesterday. Trudeau (yes, the son of late Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the same one that eliminated property rights in the repatriated Canadian Constitution) lists CFP as ‘Friend’ and ‘Supporter—just like Rosenbaum.
Number 7041885 is getting tired of hits for money we would never send the Lib/Left.
When it comes to both fundraising technique and computer software, the Obama Dems and Canadian Liberals are playing ‘toesies’ in the same plumped up feather bed.