Wednesday, March 28, 2012

USA Under Siege


It is something to think and pray about.


USA Under Siege- Congress and Obama Vote in Secret to End Bill of Rights and other Atrocities by Sher Zieve over at Canada Free Press


America, we have an enormous problem. And, it’s a quickly expanding one. Fueled by the palpable fear of We-the-People that is now observably apparent from arrogant elected members of both the Executive and Legislative branches of the US government, Orwellian bills denying the American people their


Constitutionally protected rights are now being routinely crafted and passed by an increasingly draconian “ruling—not governing—political class.”


For the first time in the history of the United States of America, its people are being reigned over and reined in by thoroughly totalitarian and an almost completely corrupt set of individuals…individuals whom we elected.


The USA has been heading for Leftist rule for many decades. The markedly minority Marxists and Maoists have been incessantly and, for years, feverishly working to take over our country and install a Stalinist/Hitlerian-styled government. In fact, in 2010 at least 70 members (we suspect there are probably more) of the US Democrat Party were listed as members of the American Socialist Party. But, this is the first time they have claimed the unconditional power to do so.


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