Thursday, March 29, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of Day (3-28-2012)


1)  John Kerry just can’t let the Climate Change hoax die.


  1. John Kerry Swiftboats Climate Change Skeptics


2)  I’ll let you decide which three Spike Lee is. His tweet of Zimmerman’s address made a elderly couple flee their home in fear. I do think Spike Lee should be charge with reckless endangerment.


  1. Spike Lee's Re-tweet Causes Elderly Couple to Abandon Home in Fear 

  2. Elderly Florida Couple Lives in Fear After Spike Lee Tweets Their Address By Mistake

  3. Spike Lee Tweets George Zimmerman’s Address, Only It’s the Wrong Address; Elderly Couple Now Live In Fear

  4. Elderly Florida Couple Forced To Flee Home After Spike Lee Tweets Out Their Address Claiming Zimmerman Lived There

  5. Spike Lee Won’t Apologize For Sending Elderly Florida Couple Fleeing For Their Lives After He Tweeted Their Address Saying It Was Zimmerman…

  6. Couple Harassed by Spike Lee Retains Law Firm for Representation


3)  Soledad O’Brien needs to stay out of the Trayvon Martin case. News people are causing more problems than they are helping with the case. She will only adding fuel to the fire.


  1. Soledad O'Brien To "Dig Deep" For Truth In Trayvon Martin Case

  2. Can Soledad O’Brien find the “truth” behind the Trayvon Martin case-