Saturday, March 31, 2012

Contempt, Fear, Selfishness By Wayne Mazza


Contempt, Fear, Selfishness by Wayne Mazza over at A Time For Choosing


It never ceases to amaze me, the stupidity of the RNC elitists and pundits.


Gov. Sarah Palin has been an inspiration to millions of us, especially to young and older women.


The contempt the RNC has for this woman is insulting. Why would they be in lockstep to destroy this woman as we expect from the leftist liberal DNC, LSM, and bloggers that have nothing but hate and disrespect for Gov. Palin.


Why would the RNC tout a failed Governor like Romney (34% approval rating), say he is electable, and the KING DUNCE Reince Priebus thinks his stand on Romneycare is a strength against Oblah, blah, blah. I mean who is running the nut house. To compare Romney’s accomplishments against Gov. Palin is like having a choice between taking a free Cadillac or a Ford Pinto and the RNC is taking the Pinto. Geez.


The RNC with all their power, influence, have a genuine fear of Gov. Palin. I mean even though they are having the longest brain dead moment in the history of our country, don’t they want to win this election? Why would anyone have fear of an individual who has inspired millions of people in this country not only by her accomplishments, but by the example of how she has led her life? Her strong believe in God, family, and country is how many of us lead our lives. 


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