Monday, March 26, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On March 25, 2012


  1. Witness counters Trayvon Martin media narrative

  2. Thousands to Facebook Marine: We've got your back

  3. Author dishes Alec Baldwin taste of his own venom  snicker

  4. A Racism Hardly Mentioned

  5. An armed citizenry and its enemies

  6. Agenda 21 treaty on the horizon

  7. MASSACRE! Australian Left records worst election result since Federation

  8. Dog saves Florida girl from attack by registered sex offender

  9. Iran will learn soon the resolve of Israel. The Jewish state does not bluff

  10. Shaken but never stirring

  11. Dick Cheney gets a new heart

  12. Report- Eyewitness claims Zimmerman Was On Ground Being Attacked By Trayvon Martin Before He Shot Him

  13. Irony- Fear of anti-gun Obama causes Ruger to sell out of guns and suspend new orders

  14. Gallop Poll- Clinging to your religion may make you enjoy life more

  15. Confirmed- Republicans Know More Than Democrats

  16. ‘An absolute shocker’- Queensland Labor humiliated

  17. Hypocrites Of The Day

  18. Celebrities back Obama’s call for Trayvon Martin investigation

  19. Lessons in Humility

  20. Conquering sexual sin III

  21. Why do we keep on voting in these authoritarian nincompoops-

  22. Stop the killing, or not

  23. New Black Panthers Offer Bounty For Capture of George Zimmerman

  24. Congratulations, Cheney Family… Dick Cheney Receives a New Heart

  25. Dogs and Cats Living Together

  26. When the president cuts federal spending in 2013

  27. Athena’s (Overall) Optimism

  28. Ron Paul Doesn’t Like “Etch-a-Sketch-” Why Not-

  29. After Schmidt, Conservative Candidates Should Watch Their Backs

  30. Daily Read – March 25

  31. Deuteronomy 4-25-26

  32. You Knew It Was Coming!

  33. Shocker- French Jihadist Had Ties To British Islamists…

  34. Federal Judge Tosses Global Warming Fanatics Lawsuit Against Energy Companies Claiming Their Carbon Dioxide Caused Hurricane Katrina…

  35. The True Perpetrators of the Antisemitic Attacks in Toulouse and Throughout the World

  36. Muslim Wife Beating Book- Has A Key Mosqueteria Advocate Had A Change Of Heart- Can You Say Taqiyya

  37. Guarded from Behind

  38. Sunday Christina Fun Day

  39. Stabbing Death of Unborn Child in D.C. Reveals Total Lack of Right to Life for all fiery4

  40. The words “brokered convention” may not be as scary as once thought

  41. Harvard Sex Week

  42. Your first mistake was ever having a thrill

  43. An Anti American, an Idiot and a Hypocrite

  44. David Plouffe- Who Are You Going to Trust on Energy Policy, Republicans or Obama- d'oh

  45. The Eight Races That Will Decide the Senate

  46. Flashback video- Documents show Holder was made aware of Fast and Furious on two separate occasions

  47. It's Saturday night

  48. Nationwide anti-Obama rallies ignored by the media (again)

  49. Conservatives mock #Gen44, Obama’s youth outreach

  50. Did Twitter mislead its users about #ILikeObamacare?

  51. A Bloodbath In Queensland

  52. Female Gang Rape Of Men In Zimbabwe

  53. Why Isn't This Lying Sonofabitch In Jail Yet- Oh,

  54. Where the rainbow really ends smiley-laughing001

  55. Obamacare- Two years old, and as unlovable as ever  smiley-laughing001


  57. Tweaky but perhaps on track again

  58. New Civility- Twitter Explodes With Lefty Hate Following Cheney’s Heart Transplant…

  59. Top White House Adviser- Republicans Will Regret Using Term “Obamacare”…

  60. Sunday Funnies laughthumb

  61. Are You Following False Prophetic Voices-

  62. A Prophetic Word for 2011

  63. Vetting Mitt Romney – Video

  64. Trayvon Martin and the Politics of Division