Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is Christian Resistance Ever Right? By Dr. Don Boys


Dr. Don Boys raises a very good question. This article is worth the read if you are concerned about.


Is Christian Resistance Ever Right? by Dr. Don Boys over at Canada Free Press


Bible Christians (as opposed to churchy “Christians”) have always known that they must obey God in all things. The Bible has precedence over all authority! However, most Christians have never considered the possibility of disobeying authorities when those authorities become oppressive. We have been taught that if it is law, it is right and should be obeyed; however, that is simply not true as proved with many Bible examples.


Frederic Bastiat, the French authority on law, wrote, “There is in all of us a strong disposition to believe that anything lawful is also proper. This belief is so widespread that many persons have erroneously held that things are just because the law makes them so.” But laws cannot make something just. It can make anything legal (abortion, homosexuality, etc.) but not just.


I am not obligated to resist every unjust law nor every unconstitutional law, but I am obligated to resist any law that conflicts with Bible principles such as a license to preach. The 55 mile per hour speed limit was a ridiculous law, but it did not conflict with the Bible. We are told it saved lives, but if officials really want to save lives, they could enforce a 35 mile per hour limit! (If government really wants to save lives, they would do something about liquor and drug laws, but don’t hold your breath.) 


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