Bettina Viviano Hollywood Producer
Bettina Viviano is a Conservative successful Hollywood producer who, in 2008, agreed to help friends of Hillary Clinton film a documentary on the fraud in the Democrat elections in 2008. I have a loose, partial transcript below (because videos have a way of disappearing from the Internet), but want to point out a few things of interest to me, and to help you cut to the bottom line. See the video below.
1) The film was never finished. It was taken to the DNC at some point, with the thought that once they saw it, they would undo what was being done. They were wrong.
2) There is a co-owner of the film, with Viviano, and the co-owner is a Democrat and a filmmaker. She has been threatened.
3) At least Viviano still intends to finish the film. They were in talks with Andrew Breitbart before his death. PJMedia has contacted them, along with other people.
4) For the film, they interviewed WOMEN FROM TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST (TUCC) – the church where Barack and Michelle Obama supposedly were members. It has long been a mystery to me, why from this huge church, no member has EVER said a single thing about the Obamas. My thought was, no one said anything because no one knew them. They were members only for political opportunity – no sharing a pew, no potluck dinners. They did have a close personal relationship with Jeremiah Wright, but seldom if ever attended. That was my thought. Maybe it’s more than that. After all this is Chicago, and everyone knows about the Chicago machine. The women Viviano interviewed were scared. Their faces could not be shown in the film – but they were interviewed.
5) Viviano calls out attorney Gloria Allred and her part in Democrat party shenanigans.