Thursday, March 29, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On March 28, 2012


  1. Russian media expose Obama birth 'forgery'

  2. Breaking the Hockey Stick

  3. Fail- Liberal SCOTUS Justices Resort to Helping Obama's Solicitor General Argue in Favor of Obamacare

  4. 2007 Flashback Video- Obama's Energy Secretary Stephen Chu, Coal is my worst nightmare

  5. Don't be surprised if your valuables are stolen at JFK Airport while TSA is feeling you up

  6. BH Interview: 'Museum of Government Waste' Inspired by Breitbart's Call to Arms sm-Dance2

  7. Michelle Obama Desecrates White House Yet Again  icon_rant

  8. Work-Related Of The Day

  9. At Last, A Man Who Deserves Our Vote- Hank  snicker

  10. Quote Of The Day

  11. Romney, Gingrich react to Obama's hot mic comment

  12. The nice little country Kiwis once owned

  13. NZ..attack of the wowser womb women writers

  14. Gay Marriage is not a human right - EU Court Ruling

  15. Was the Conservative gay marriage policy bought by wealthy gay donor-

  16. October Baby  sm-Dance2

  17. No Justice! No Peace!… Hours After Attending Trayvon Martin Peace Rally, FL Man Is Charged With Beating And Kidnapping Woman  fiery4

  18. Obamacare Faces Its Own Death Panel Before Supreme Court… And It’s Losing

  19. 12 Year-Old Jewish Boy Beaten Outside Paris School  icon_rant

  20. Good Grief… Obama Administration Now Considers Israel & Jerusalem Two Separate Entities

  21. Some LA Lefties can’t get enough of Rush-

  22. Bringing Athena into conversation on Trayvon Martin & George Zimmerman

  23. Gingrich is Right- Romney Is the Weakest Front-Runner

  24. Did the Solicitor General Lie to the Supreme Court-

  25. Why a Brokered Convention Offers Conservatives Real Hope

  26. Romney to Leno- Make Big Government More Efficient But Maintain Its Reach

  27. Never EVER Judge A Book By Its Cover!!

  28. I Am Woman….Hear Me Roar

  29. The ‘Do Nothing’ Senate – 1,064 Days

  30. Daily Read – March 28

  31. Hey, Wasn’t This Us-

  32. Medical Marijuana in Tennessee-

  33. Dick Lugar Richard Mourdock: Dangerous Dick Lugar Supporter of START Faces Richard Mourdock in Senate Race

  34. Oh My- Supreme Court Justices Poised To Strike Down Obamacare In Its Entirety…

  35. Occupy San Diego Offering $12 Per Hour To Join Their Protests…

  36. Arlen Specter On Meeting Sarah Palin: “She Radiated Sensuality. Her Skirt Rode Above Her Knees — Not Short, But Close”…

  37. Dennis Rodman 'broke,' 'extremely sick,' his attorney says

  38. What Do We Do Now That We Have Come Out-  Clay Sikes

  39. Les salafistes appellent à tuer les juifs sur l'avenue Habib Bourguiba - Salafists call to kill Jews on Avenue Habib Bourguiba

  40. Prophetic Light

  41. Court Hints Entire Health Law May Go

  42. Evidence that Freedom of Speech Only Applies to Liberals

  43. Good News, Everyone; Courtney Can Read!

  44. Humpday History Highlight

  45. Lost in translation- When one verse can mean two things

  46. Lies and Doublespeak of American Planning Association And How to Fight Back Green Mountain Scribes  icon_rant 

  47. lOFFUTT Air Force Base- This is what our servicemen see when landing at Offutt AFB. a12iggymom’s

  48. Republican Primary Armistice Act of 2012- The Pinky Swear Contract [Reader Post]

  49. ACLJ Encouraged by Justice Kennedy’s Questioning of Obamacare’s Individual Mandate

  50. Sarah Palin On The Record March 26, 2012

  51. Kirk Cameron’s ‘Monumental’ Debuts Amid Backlash

  52. MUST SEE VIDEO- Supernatural

  53. Don’t blame the Obamacare mandate messenger, he had no message

  54. Obamacare Oral Argument, Day 3 – Severability (Update- Medicaid expansion in trouble-)

  55. Sourcing narrative “facts” in the Martin case

  56. Sand Soldiers of America  sm-Dance2

  57. Gas pump Post-It revolt reignites snicker

  58. McCain- ObamaCare is a “Bad Joke”

  59. Russian Media Interviews Sheriff Arpaio About Obama’s Identity Document Fraud

  60. Obamacare…1 Justice…1 Word…The Tipping Point

  61. If ObamaCare goes down in flames would Romney (if elected) replace it

  62. James Lewis brings us our quote of the day

  63. Progressive Cancer

  64. The Spin is In! Putting a Happy Face on Obamacare's Defeat

  65. Sonia Sotomayor- A Third-Rate Intellect

  66. So Much For Our Independent Judiciary

  67. -VIDEO- Please Support The Museum Of Government Waste

  68. Traitor Jane Fonda To Play Nancy Reagan, What Could Go Wrong-

  69. BREAKING NEWS- Mainstream Media Release New Photos of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman  smiley-laughing001


  71. Getting ready

  72. We're Up Against the Forces of Tyranny

  73. Trip To Wally World

  74. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER- Obama Election Team Preparing For “Healthcare Warfare” Campaign

  75. Allen West on Trayvon Martin case- No one should use this to ‘push an ideological agenda

  76. Rush: Fleeing advertisers getting 'creamed'

  77. Alveda King- Sharpton, Jackson should stop 'playing race card' over Martin shooting

  78. Ten years after the Park Hotel Passover Seder bombing

  79. Think You’re A Slacker-

  80. Climate alarmists double-down and claim world has 8 years before global warming tipping point

  81. Unbelievable- Obama administration is now referring to Obamacare as a “bi-partisan bill”