Thursday, March 8, 2012

Has Bibi Already Decided To Hit Iran?


I believe Bibi has already made a decision to hit Iran because he knows he won’t get help from us. He also knows Israel are on their own.


Has Bibi already decided to hit Iran- by Rick Moran over at American Thinker


The scuttlebutt for months has been that Prime Minister Netanyahu is still in the process of making a decision on whether to to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.


But Israel's Channel 2, quoting an American government official, says that he has already made up his mind to strike:


Channel 2 in Israel, sourcing a "senior American official", says that the decision has already been made by the Israeli government to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.

Read more:


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  1. Purim 2012- Obama, Israel, and Iran

  2. Obama makes the case for an Israeli strike on Iran

  3. Defending Israel from the Iranian Threat

  4. Netanyahu vs Obama – Who Would You Trust To Lead A Nation-

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  6. The picture says it all

  7. Israel- Do They Have the Right to Take Action Against Iran-

  8. Purim 2012- Obama, Israel, and Iran

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