Saturday, March 10, 2012

Democrats Are Oil Obstructionists


Democrats are Oil Obstructionists by Gary DeMar over at Godfather Politics


Oil is a national security issue. Without oil, America does not move. There’s a scene in the film Battle of the Bulge showing Nazi efforts to commandeer a huge fuel depot. In order to advance their ground troops, the Nazis had to secure Allied fuel supplies for their tanks, trucks, and planes. Germans lacked sufficient fuel reserves to reach Antwerp. Armies and economies run on fuel. Wind, solar, and battery power will not cut it.


The majority of Americans seem to understand this. It’s a huge campaign issue. Not only is oil the lifeblood of our nation’s economy, it’s a huge job producer as well. The oil and gas industries employ, on the low side, 2.2 million people. This doesn’t count the thousands of jobs that depend on petroleum products for their industries:


It might be one of the biggest issues in the upcoming presidential election. . . . CBS News exit polls found 77 percent of those voting in seven Super Tuesday states say rising gas prices were an important factor in their vote.


The poll reflects growing consumer anxiety as gas prices have risen nearly 50 cents a gallon in just over two months.


Consumers have been telling us they are cutting corners because for most driving is a necessity.


Read more: Democrats are Oil Obstructionists - Godfather Politics

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