Monday, November 7, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 6, 2011


  1. MMA Fighters Stop Robbery at L.A. Motel
  2. CAIR Warns Detroit Mosques to Tighten Security…Because of a Christian Prayer Event
  3. Occupy DC protesters ticketed after jumping in front of car
  4. Can Cain keep flouting the cardinal rules of politics-
  5. Do the Democrats want to create jobs -- or red tape-
  6. 9 Things You Need to Know When Starting a Business
  7. Howard Stern on Cain accusations- “I think it’s a smear job”
  8. Who won the Cain-Gingrich debate-
  9. Absurdity on steroids- Muslims in Switzerland protest discrimination while wearing yellow Stars
  10. Report- Egypt randomly arresting Copts, going after critics in wake of army's massacre
  11. Surprise- Hizballah-dominated Lebanese government withholding its share of funding to UN tribunal
  12. Nigeria- Islamic jihadists boast of murdering 67 people
  13. UK jihadist threatens to murder those who support mag firebombed for Muhammad satire
  14. Shocker- Muslims in Canada want shariah law
  15. Saudi- Con-men caught running hajj scam against other Muslims
  16. Evil Clowns and Radical Ringmasters of the Anti-Capitalist Revolution in Denver
  17. Did NY’s Imam Baqi Threaten the Infidel Team-
  18. Razing Cain
  19. For unions, billions of hidden pork in Obamacare
  20. Sharia's Encroachment into American Courts
  21. The God Whisperer
  22. OWS set pieces driving away independent voters
  23. How might Obama win in 2012 - and what would happen next-
  24. Is Socialism’s True Father—Satan-
  25. Time to Rid the Streets of the “Occupy” Movement
  26. Obama the Administrator
  27. Italy Wobbles, and a Demon Appears in the Clouds
  28. Buckles highway
  29. Attacks Christian churches in 'Jerusalem'
  30. 'Too many people in the media who are downright dishonest'
  31. American Way: A funny thing happened on the way to the Herman Cain lynching
  32. Did David Axelrod really compare the Obama 2012 campaign to the Titanic-
  34. “Occupy Wall Street is no longer a protest”
  35. God NEVER intended you to Prosper without the Prophetic
  36. Less is more - A prophetic word for our time - Rev Heather Butler
  37. Proof - The Attempted Takeover of Israeli Consulate by Occupy Boston Was Officially Sanctioned Event
  38. Being an Active Anti-American Terrorist Doesn’t Make You Off-Limits for The Obama Administration
  39. Hutchison defends Cain, refuses to backtrack on criticisms of Perry
  40. When The Media Attacks
  41. Paul- 'I Don't Want to' Run as an Independent
  42. The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Liberal Tea Party Envy-
  45. Why I'm taking a break from The New York Times
  46. Video: Occupy Wall Street vs. the Tea Party – You be the Judge
  47. Unions don’t care about the economic reality
  48. When is an actor not an actor-
  49. Occupy Wall Street declared successful (satire)
  50. Conservatives shouldn't play the race card, either
  51. White House should stop fighting Solyndra subpoena

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