Friday, March 2, 2012

Surviving Obama’s Reelection


Judi McLeod Is right we have to think of surviving if Obama gets reelected besides who we are going to vote for.


Surviving Obama’s reelection by Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press 


Ask yourself this question: What am I going to do if Barack Obama is celebrating electoral victory on November 7, 2012?


It’s a question anyone who cares about America dreads to probe but one that still needs asking.


The possibility of a Soetoro-Obama in the White House after November 6 is as real as Big Government chiseling away at individual freedoms and changing the fabric of the America we all love.


No one likes to be the Corner Cassandra advancing the imminent arrival of bad news.


The media—even news outlets ostensibly on the side of We the People—keep the masses on information overload in the changing-by-the-minute Game of Politics, an unfortunate set of circumstances ordinary folk have to go wading through in an era already dominated by Marxist projection.


No matter how persistent the pundits, we don’t really know whether Rick Santorum is any better than the other Republican presidential candidates. We are only hoping through our faith that he is. We do not know for certain whether any of the candidates, even the one forced on voters by the Republican establishment is capable of defeating a president hellbent on the fundamental Transformation of America.


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