Friday, March 16, 2012

Rush Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke Moment May Have Brought Down The Liberal Establishment By Gary DeMar


Rush Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke Moment May Have Brought Down the Liberal Establishment by Gary DeMar over at Godfather Politics


In a previous article, I told how my wife and I cancelled our Sleep Number Bed after the company stopped advertising on the Rush Limbaugh Show. We ordered a Dream Number bed instead. We’ve had two glorious nights of sleep on it. We’re sleeping better because of the bed and because in a very small way we made a statement.


The online computer backup company Carbonite also bailed on Rush’s show as an advertiser. I’ve spoken with a lot of people who would like to drop Carbonite, but they’re locked into year-long contracts. Carbonite stock continues to drop as the stock market continues to rise. “[A]ccording to Terry Ponick of the Washington Times, [Carbonite] now sits at 60% off a 2011 high mark in a difficult market.”


Of course, I’m NOT elated that Carbonite stock has fallen, because the people who are hurt by the stock drop are investors who had no decision-making power to leave the Rush Limbaugh Show as an advertiser. But you’ve got to believe that liberals are shocked by listener reaction to Rush’s show, and for that I am elated.


People who vote with their money is the ultimate act of political defiance. When the checks stop coming, a company has to retool. That’s why liberals want to control every part of the economy. They can’t leave anything to chance. If they can control the media, the voter rolls, the polling data, and how our tax dollars are spent they believe they can control the country. The one item they have not been able to control, at least not yet, is how people spend their money and the free flow of information, something they are trying to control.


Read more: Rush Limbaugh's Sandra Fluke Moment May Have Brought Down the Liberal Establishment - Godfather Politics

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