Friday, March 23, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (3-22-2012)



  1. Why Is Observing Obama as a Marxist Verboten-

  2. Mr. Obama's Kulturkampf

  3. Obama’s Secret War-making for the U.N

  4. Obama in Oklahoma- Rhetoric vs. Reality

  5. Obama’s Plan For More Energy Dependence on China

  6. The Vetting: Obama 1995: ‘Scapegoat’ the ‘Top 5%’

  7. Obama’s Selective Service Mystery…

  8. Obama Bypasses Congress, Gives $1.5 Billion to Muslim Brotherhood fiery4

  9. Energy industry accuses Obama of misleading public about extent of untapped oil resources

  10. Obama’s Outrageous DOL Rules Will Restrict Minors From Working on Family Farms – Killing Farm Life As We Know It icon_rant

  11. This is 1860, and Obama Isn’t Lincoln

  12. Obama’s Energy Grade….F- d'oh

  13. Obama Blames Congress For Solyndra Loan Fiasco, “This Was Not Our Program”…

  14. Obama Says Solyndra Layoffs “Heartbreaking”… yahoo_loser

  15. Obama Increases Federal Debt By $5 Trillion In Just Over Three Years…

  16. More Obama Regulations….This Time Attacking American Farmers

  17. (Not) Trusting Obama on Israel in Term 2

  18. Obama Blames Congress For Solyndra- “Not Our Program, Per Se”  yahoo_loser

  19. Obama- Problem Is We’re Producing TOO MUCH Oil And Gas! icon_rant

  20. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER-  America doesn’t have a racial problem – America has an Obama problem…

  21. Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?

  22. Yeah, about those Obama lies about energy reserves

  23. Lower Gas Prices…

  24. Video- Chicago Jesus Gets Pissy When Man Interrupts His Speech…

  25. Even Tunisians Are Baffled By Obama’s Decision To Cozy Up To Islamists…

  26. 2009- Obama Takes Credit For “Success” of Solyndra — 2012- Obama Says He Had Nothing To Do With It






