Why Is Observing Obama as a Marxist Verboten-
Mr. Obama's Kulturkampf
Obama’s Secret War-making for the U.N
Obama in Oklahoma- Rhetoric vs. Reality
Obama’s Plan For More Energy Dependence on China
The Vetting: Obama 1995: ‘Scapegoat’ the ‘Top 5%’
Obama’s Selective Service Mystery…
Obama Bypasses Congress, Gives $1.5 Billion to Muslim Brotherhood
Energy industry accuses Obama of misleading public about extent of untapped oil resources
Obama’s Outrageous DOL Rules Will Restrict Minors From Working on Family Farms – Killing Farm Life As We Know It
This is 1860, and Obama Isn’t Lincoln
Obama’s Energy Grade….F-
Obama Blames Congress For Solyndra Loan Fiasco, “This Was Not Our Program”…
Obama Says Solyndra Layoffs “Heartbreaking”…
Obama Increases Federal Debt By $5 Trillion In Just Over Three Years…
More Obama Regulations….This Time Attacking American Farmers
(Not) Trusting Obama on Israel in Term 2
Obama Blames Congress For Solyndra- “Not Our Program, Per Se”
Obama- Problem Is We’re Producing TOO MUCH Oil And Gas!
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER- America doesn’t have a racial problem – America has an Obama problem…
Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?
Yeah, about those Obama lies about energy reserves
Lower Gas Prices…
Video- Chicago Jesus Gets Pissy When Man Interrupts His Speech…
Even Tunisians Are Baffled By Obama’s Decision To Cozy Up To Islamists…
2009- Obama Takes Credit For “Success” of Solyndra — 2012- Obama Says He Had Nothing To Do With It