Yet Another Prayer Request
American Socialists Name 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks
Youtube, Facebook Refuse To Remove Video Calling For The Murder Of Rush Limbaugh
Sheriff Joe wants Obama's original draft card
U.S. battles Obama's 'tremendous evil'
Sgt. Jamie Jarboe of Frankfort dead from combat injuries
Sheriff Joe: 'Tons' more shocking Obama info
Supreme Court rules against feds!
Democrat sues to boot Obama from ballot
Democratic women must pay for their own red, white and blue nail polish
Kathleen Sebelius's War on Green Algae Power
Nazis or Muslim Terrorists- Does it Matter-
D.C. Cheating Scandal- A Conspiracy of Silence
Washington, D.C. Joins with 128 Cities in Sponsoring Rallies to Support Religious Freedom
Movie Trailer- ‘Occupy Unmasked’
Classy- Occupy Protester Gets Caught Dumping Tub of Human Waste in Bank
So you haven't learned to like Obamacare yet- There is an app to help you with that
The Chicago Way- Democratic state lawmaker from Chicago allegedly recorded taking a bribe. Gets 76% of the vote.
Report- Possible Coup in China
Work-Related Of The Day
Chechnya’s Islamic revival is becoming less voluntary
Romney- It was Bush, not Obama, who averted second Depression
How to overcome sexual sin
Canadian parents protesting against proposed hate speech laws directed against faith
Amazing presentation by mathematician modeling software that shows the development of a baby
Obama Administration Fights to Save Tiny Desert Lizard – But Allows Bald Eagle Hunt
Bummer. Barack Obama Travels to New Mexico – Lizard Protest Breaks Out (Video)
Video Captures #Occupiers Dumping Giant Tubs of Feces In NYC Bank Lobbies
“Maybe the conservative alternative to Romney is Romney”
Mitt Romney, Meet Erick Erickson
Watcher’s Council Nominations–Spring Equinox Edition
Tammy Bruce- Passionately Independent Conservatism in the New Media
The Looming Doom
Daily Read – March 22
Marine Gary Stein- States Military Oath – Faces Charges
Jay Sekulow: Obama NDRP Changes Definition of National Defense – Goes Farther Much Broader Powers Than Any Other Similar
Occupy Maine Protester Sentenced To Prison For Attacking Fellow Occupier With a Hatchet…
Virginia Middle School Teacher Forces Students To Support Obama, Has Them Do Opposition Research On GOP Candidates
Occupy Miami Takes Over Apartment Complex, Descends Into Drugs And Chaos: “They Poop On The Walls … The Poop In The Back Of The Building And Wipe Themselves With Socks”…
LA City Council Close To Resolution Barring Radio Hosts From “Racist, Sexist” Comments…
John Edwards used Soccer Mom Madam Anna Gristina to hook up with prostitute in 2007-
Keith Miller- Wake Up! Something Has Begun!
Michael Coren- Mohammed Merah & Islam...Muslims Fear Mythical Backlash
Mark Steyn On Mohammed Merah- Lather Rinse Repeat
Call on the Rain from Heaven
Feminist Theologian Says Jesus May Have Been a Hermaphrodite
Obama’s Ego Has Many Coats
Humpday History Highlight
Follow the “M” word- More on the “National Defense Resources Preparedness” executive order
Marines Against Obama- Cover of Marine Times Leads With Story on Opposition
Anti-ObamaCare Rallies Planned for 100-Plus Cities
Run, Dennis, Run
Good omen
$100,000 of ‘grassroots’ anti-Rush activism
Some random thoughts
WHI Delivers On End-Run Promise To Combat Obama Administration
The kind of world we’ll be leaving to our children
Speaking in tongues
Why are the deaths of these black men being ignored- (UPDATED)
Senate Democrats in Mortal Danger
Headed Home
Finally… FCC Complaint Filed Against Shady Lib Group “Women of the 99%” Behind Massive Robocall Scandal
Dick Lugar improperly billed for hotel stays
DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz- Paul Ryan’s Budget As Deadly To Seniors As a Tornado Pass Through a Nursing Home