Thursday, March 1, 2012

The News Is Not All Bad


Once Gary DeMar put that way it does look a little better.


The News is Not all Bad by Gary DeMar over at Godfather Politics


There’s still hope for America! It’s going to be a bumpy ride, but we can’t let political potholes get in the way of making a sea change in Washington. I’ve said this before — the presidency is not the only battlefront. We might not like what we’re going to get in November at the top if the ticket to take on Obama and Co., but we can’t stay home. There are congressional seats to consider. If Obama wins, the House and Senate will be where the war will be fought.


We can make a statement to the GOP establishment by putting in more conservatives at the congressional level to (1) keep Obama in check if he wins (2) keep Romney in check if he wins. As it looks right now, it’s going to be Romney. This means we must double-down on the congressional races.


Read more: The News is Not all Bad - Godfather Politics

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