Monday, March 5, 2012

Breitbart And Me


This is a memories from David Fontaine Mitchell how his life was changed by Andrew Breitbart


Breitbart and Me by David Fontaine Mitchell over at American Thinker


Andrew Breitbart changed my life. I don't think I am alone.


When I was a 19-year-old kid touring the country in a beat-up old van alongside my band mates, the last place on earth I thought I'd be a mere four years later was at the Conservative Political Action Conference. But there I was. A former punk-rock musician now in a suit and tie, alone and eager to learn what all the hype was about. I spent the day mingling in a large and diverse crowd debating a multitude of political issues, and at the end of that first day, I had reached a conclusion: This is what I wanted to do. I wanted to get involved -- somehow, someway -- in the political realm of ideas and make it the focal point of my life.


So, how did I go from strumming a six-string in a smoke-filled bar in downtown Detroit to attending an upscale conservative conference in Washington, D.C.? The answer is simple: Andrew Breitbart. It's not that I agreed with Breitbart on every issue, or even considered myself a conservative at the time; rather, he sparked a hunger inside of me to discover new ideas and viewpoints contrary to what I previously believed. I wanted to learn more about the issues, and perhaps more about myself.


Read more:


Related Articles:

  1. Breitbart Warned of Soros and His Operatives

  2. Andrew Breitbart, a quest for truth

  3. Leftist’s Hate on Full Display Over Breitbart’s Passing

  4. Andrew Breitbart RIP

  5. Remembering A Lion for the Conservative Cause

  6. Breitbart Memorial- “Man Against The Mob”

  7. Remembering Breitbart- a Roman Candle Star

  8. Excuse Me While I Save the World!

  9. Breitbart’s foes show their true colors

  10. Breitbart’s Last Laugh

  11. Andrew Breitbart Fought for Those Who Could Not Fight for Themselves

  12. Weekend Link Love- A Tribute to Andrew Breitbart

  13. 'He Had Little Use for the Left, Especially the media'

  14. What Andrew Taught Me

  15. In Memory of Andrew Breitbart- 1969 ~ 2012

  16. A Great American Hero Has Died

  17. Red Eye Salutes Andrew Breitbart

  18. Andrew Breitbart- Warrior

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