Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sorry, Fluke


You know the left would of done better to pick someone who didn’t sleep around a lot and wasn’t an activist. But they had screw themselves with an activist for their dirty gains. Not to mention, they demand that we pay for behaviors which are in conflict with the principles, values and faith of many Americans


Sorry, Fluke by Lloyd Marcus over at American Thinker


The Fluke contraception controversy is Democrat inspired. It is yet another example of Democrats promoting and trying to force all Americans to fund behavior many Americans would consider to be sinful. We taxpayers are minding our own business. We are, for the most part, passively ignoring America's cultural rot.


But our passivity is not enough for the Democrats. They demand that we pay for behaviors which are in conflict with the principles, values and faith of many Americans.

Ms Fluke, Americans do not care how many out-of-wedlock sexual encounters you may have.


But, when you go before Congress in an attempt to demonize us for not subsidizing your activities, you are infringing on our freedom; forcing your values down our throats.


Read more:


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  3. President Obama supported Planned Parenthood, and they're returning the favor

  4. Inviting Government Into the Bedroom

  5. Sandra Fluke’s Irrational Demand

  6. She’s No Math Major… Ding-Dong Sandra Fluke Could Have Paid 100 Bucks For 3-Year Birth Control Plant

  7. Rush Limbaugh- “Obama Says Sandra Fluke’s Parents Should Be Proud, I’d Be Embarrassed” (Video)

  8. Hittin’ The Hootchie

  9. Stunner. Georgetown “Coed” Sandra Fluke Is a 30 Year-Old Women’s Rights Activist

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