Saturday, March 17, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (3-16-2012)



  1. Obama's hidden past

  2. If Obama wants to make a 'gutsy call', he should give up the charade he opposes gay marriage

  3. Obama's The Road We've Traveled was a wasted $345,000 (video)

  4. Obama and Cameron collude to release oil from their 'Strategic Election Reserves '

  5. Obama- Those who oppose his green policies are 'Flat Earthers' or something

  6. Obama Stars In Anti-Bullying Documentary By Cartoon Network  icon_rant

  7. Obama Foreign Policy Blunders Fueled by Unchecked Ideology

  8. Obama Administration Sends Shipload Of Arms to Anti-Israel Anti-American Egyptian Regime

  9. Deficit President Barack Obama Spends Campaign Cash Like Taxpayer Dollars

  10. Yuk-Yuk… Obama Cracks Gas Jokes- “There’s a Few Places We’re Not Drilling… The National Mall…At Your House”

  11. He Thinks You’re Stupid… Obama Repeats Myth About US Oil Reserves

  12. Stroking his ego by attacking his adversaries-

  13. Burn Rate-  Why is the Obama campaign spending so much money--

  14. Obama To Hit Record Number Of Fundraisers In a Single Day: Five — Update: Mooch Makes It Six…

  15. Obama 2012 Campaign Is Watching You: Using Sophisticated Software To Harvest Personal Information Off The Internet In Bid To Find New Voters…

  16. Team Obama’s $345,000 Dear Leader Agitprop Film…  vomit-smiley-015

  17. President Barack Obama, Algae for Oil, Flat Earthers, and ‘Stupid’ Voters

  18. Vice President Biden Calls Obama Man of ‘Steel’ when He’s Really the Man of ‘Steal’

  19. So Obama Is Worried About Women

  20. The Road We’ve Traveled or Barack Obama’s Dead End Street-

  21. Well, now that you mention it…  laughthumb 

  22. Obama’s newest green energy idea laughthumb

  23. A Week of Shameless Obama Lies



Via Bluegrass Pundit



Via Big Journalism 


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